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New Beta!!



  • alessandro cecconi
    James... while I applaude you commitment to get a solid product out, I can not immagine that this program to open betas to everyone will end up well. I hope yo have enough staff to sort through the 1000s of replies that this will generate, where most of them might be just operator error and not a beta problem.

    Good luck

  • Andrey Nikiforov
    But there is no actual beta download? I don't see any…
  • Jim_DK
    Correct... This is the sign up invitation and step 1 in initialising the new process.

    Signing up to allows us to contact people who are interested in Beta outside of the normal mailing preferences.

    An email will be sent to you once a beta is active.
  • RobiWan
    [quote="Jim_DK" wrote:
    Hi all,

    We have decided to expand our beta program to allow more users to participate in the pre-release testing - we hope to get more feedback on all the cool new features before they are released, as well as catch the bugs and issues earlier in the process.

    Wow. Phase One really great idea!!!
  • idbirds
    A couple questions: Is this program specifically for Capture One, or does it also include your other products? Can one run beta software in addition to the released software?
  • Ross Collins
    [quote="alececco" wrote:
    ... while I applaude you commitment to get a solid product out, I can not immagine that this program to open betas to everyone will end up well. I hope yo have enough staff to sort through the 1000s of replies that this will generate, where most of them might be just operator error and not a beta problem.

    I, for one, applaud PO for this initiative.

    Far better to receive trouble reports before formal release than to receive them after - and perhaps also to have caused frustration for countless more users that might have been avoided.
  • Jim_DK
    [quote="idbirds" wrote:
    A couple questions: Is this program specifically for Capture One, or does it also include your other products? Can one run beta software in addition to the released software?

    In the new framework it could apply to anything we want! Right now we are focused on Capture One though. And yes you can run both, suggest though you run partitioned drives if you are in production environments, and all users back up anything even vaguely important before playing with betas.
  • Abbott Schindler

    On the betas: it would be good to let testers know whether installing/testing a beta release will mess anything up in their "real" setup. For example:
    - Will the beta change any preference settings in ways that make the prefs incompatible with the released version?
    - Will the beta change the catalog structure in ways that could corrupt lt or make it incompatible with the current released version?
    - Will the beta change our custom presets, such as custom keyboard shortcuts and workspaces, in ways that will impact them when used with the released version?
    - Are there special precautions we should take when testing a beta release? I'd expect to work from a "test" catalog, but what about prefs, Application Support folder contents, etc.?

    I've participated in other beta programs, and those usually provided caveats that would minimize the risk of damaging anything on the computer.
  • meanwhile
    it would be good to let testers know whether installing/testing a beta release will mess anything up in their "real" setup

    This information is in the release notes and guidelines when you download the beta.
  • nigel turley
    The Release Notes state 'It is generally recommended that you only install one version of Capture One.' and there's no specific guidance regarding associated files, use of existing catalogs and what happens if you choose to remove the beta and the effect on the release version. Therefore I don't think I can take part in any testing unless more informaton is provided.
  • Christian Gruner
    As the participation in the beta is under NDA, I can only say general terms. Specifics will be mentioned in the release note for the given release.

    [quote="Nature Isme" wrote:
    - Will the beta change any preference settings in ways that make the prefs incompatible with the released version?

    Generally no, but of course there are always exceptions, depending on new functionality.

    [quote="Nature Isme" wrote:
    - Will the beta change the catalog structure in ways that could corrupt lt or make it incompatible with the current released version?

    Potentially, as we might upgrade the structure to support new functionality or bugfixes. However, there will always be made a back-up, like when updating to a new version, that has a new data-structure.

    [quote="Nature Isme" wrote:
    - Will the beta change our custom presets, such as custom keyboard shortcuts and workspaces, in ways that will impact them when used with the released version?

    Generally no, but of course there are always exceptions, depending on new functionality.
    [quote="Nature Isme" wrote:
    - Are there special precautions we should take when testing a beta release? I'd expect to work from a "test" catalog, but what about prefs, Application Support folder contents, etc.?

    Generally, make a new session/catalog, don't use it for production-work, have a released version ready to go, if you do decide to use it for production-work.
    The best way to minimize risk is to use a separate partition. This provides a hard, hermetically sealed separation, which separate installation cannot offer.
  • nigel turley
    Thanks Christian but there are too many 'unknowns' in this for me to run the beta - There's not enough detail on the potential issues in the notes and I'd rather keep my release version safe...!
  • Abbott Schindler
    Christian, thank you for your response.

    I realize the NDA nature of the beta, which is why I asked the questions as vaguely as I did. I've decided that in addition to using separate catalogs/sessions from production work, it's also wise to backup the prefs files and the C1 Application Support folder. While it's true that C1 will backup the catalog/session file itself, I see nothing in it that attends to the other folders.

    It's easy for me to imagine your team slightly modifying what C1 writes to any of the above as features are added or modified, which is why I asked/suggested that if this is the case, notes to the effect might be included in beta release notes.
  • meanwhile
    Thanks Christian but there are too many 'unknowns' in this for me to run the beta - There's not enough detail on the potential issues in the notes and I'd rather keep my release version safe

    There are risks involved in beta testing.
    There are benefits to be gained from beta testing.
    Each to their own in terms of where you sit on the spectrum.

    For those considering it who haven't done it before though, there are no more unknowns in the C1 beta process than any other beta process, for any other product.
  • nigel turley
    There are risks involved in beta testing.
    There are benefits to be gained from beta testing.
    Each to their own in terms of where you sit on the spectrum.

    For those considering it who haven't done it before though, there are no more unknowns in the C1 beta process than any other beta process, for any other product.

    I get that - and I've been involved in many tests for all types of software. However, when an application is fundamental to the way I work with images and the developer can't give clear information about the way support files for the release version could be affected (specially with the some of the current issues with the way C1P handles catalogs / keywords etc) then it's just too risky for me...
    Hi guys! Thank you for making some of the best tools in the industry!
    I work as a digi operator in fashion photography and I am really glad you opened the beta.
    What you have done in two years from 7 to 9 it's unbeliveable, you are did and your are doing the greatest steps forward in digital photography along with sony cmos sensors.

    You already know that we need, as digitech's and retouchers, to be fast and consistent, that's why I love what you have done to improve the workflow and functionality, having curves on local adjustmenst is mindblowing, but I think there's still some space for improvments.

    Here are some suggestions. I work with color so they are all about color consistency and control
    What i feel sometimes I that capture one viewer is less precise (also consistent) than ps, making color fine tuning unpredictable, so...

    Color consistency with ps
    (maybe some responsibility come from adobe, but you know we have to use it for retouching or final editing)

    More precise image rendering in the viewer (maybe the problems are in the color editor but who knows 😊 )
    Sometimes background colors look the same in co1 but there are slightly differences when you check in ps.
    Nothing big but a point in lab on greys or light colors makes the difference in prints

    Lab color readings and also 16 bit values in colors readings

    Opacity/effectiveness percentage on curves and if possible on local adjuststments layers

    Possibility to move every modification on any panel to a new adjustment layer
    For example sometimes I need to fix borders in advanced tab on color editor when is needed to change luminosity a lot.
    Ofc it can be done manually but picking the same color in advanced tab is not so easy

    Ok I am dreaming but fusion methods on local adjustments wil be awesome

    More powerful color editor
    Maybe another color shifting slider and white neutrals blacks areas to mimic selective color in ps
    Photographers want to have total color and luminosity control for backgrounds in studio. If i want to change a light blue background I can put in it more yellow or more cyan, having another slider to put some magenta or green it will be great. I dunno which is the correct color model for this but I think you got the Idea 😊
    Also increasing the effectiveness of hue slider in base tab in color editor would be great!

    A way to tune grain
    in highligh/midtones/shadows, having also a grain effectivenes on colors would be outstanding, so we can control grain on skin, skies, backgrounds in studio, etc etc. Also a slider for grain size and color noise will be great.
    Grain softness can be managed with structure in clarity so it's ok 😊
    The way it is done automatically now is great but sometimes photographers ask me to remove some grain in the background or add some on skin or make the same grain feeling (size) in full lenght and beauty shots.

    Last thing but probably one of the most important, a way to manage double pages in printing template. It will be good if landscape shots can be extended in 2 columns. Also a way to change dpi for web pdf and a way to align pictures in the center of the page (2 columns aligned in the center with the 2 pictures touching in the center of the page)

    In editorials we do everytime a sort of layout while shooting and we have to send it by mail at the end of the shoot, using ps or illustrator or indesign is time and resource consuming.

    Usually i do 2 300ppi prints in pdf from capture one, one for vertical and one for double, then re-arrange them in mac preview, I make a custom quartz export recipe for preview to reduce final pdf size. I still did not find a way to align pictures in the middle without using an adobe product.

    Sorry for the longest post ever 😊 And really thank you for the amazing job you are doing
  • Grant Hodgeon
    [quote="NN635837921732586454UL" wrote:
    There are risks involved in beta testing.
    There are benefits to be gained from beta testing.
    Each to their own in terms of where you sit on the spectrum.

    For those considering it who haven't done it before though, there are no more unknowns in the C1 beta process than any other beta process, for any other product.

    I get that - and I've been involved in many tests for all types of software. However, when an application is fundamental to the way I work with images and the developer can't give clear information about the way support files for the release version could be affected (specially with the some of the current issues with the way C1P handles catalogs / keywords etc) then it's just too risky for me...

    Luckily this is merely an opt-in. So you can carry on as normal.
  • Keith Reeder
    [quote="photoGrant" wrote:
    Luckily this is merely an opt-in. So you can carry on as normal.

    A response which is unhelpful, irrelevant, and smug.

    It is perfectly reasonable to ask about the implications of a new beta release before applying to engage in the test programme.

    I'm not going anywhere near it either, for the same reasons - and like others, I have considerable beta testing experience, much of mine being with other Raw converters.
  • meanwhile
    I'm not going anywhere near it either, for the same reasons - and like others, I have considerable beta testing experience, much of mine being with other Raw converters

    Fair enough, that's your call. Seems pretty illogical though, given that as a beta tester with lots of experience you'd likely find bugs that others won't, take precautions that means you don't get bitten anyway, and be able to give relevant and extremely helpful input which can be implemented *before* release, which will not only save you more time later on than it costs you during beta, it makes a future whinge unnecessary. Each curmudgeon to their own though.
  • nigel turley
    Hey - I'd really love to test - I have good reasons to as I've experienced a few issues with the release builds, but I have one mac and use C1 for all my RAW processing - if PhaseOne could just identify where potential changes are being made to preferences, catalog structures etc then I could safeguard them against possible damage - I don't think that's too much to ask, and something that many developers will happily provide in beta testing. I'm not trying to be a curmudgeon - just a realist...😉
  • Eugene Grob
    I have the C1 beta installed on a cloned system which runs on a external Thunderbolt drive. I boot-up on this drive when i wish to do some tests.
    I've also copied a few "testing" catalogues, those are used only for tests, so if something goes wrong - i'll just trash it.
    That way the beta is in a concealed environement, maybe a little bit laggy because of the drive, but i don't have to fear any interferences with my regular C1 and the catalogs !
  • meanwhile
    I'm not trying to be a curmudgeon - just a realist...😉

    One doesn't try to be a curmudgeon, one just is. The post wasn't directed at your comments.
  • Grant Hodgeon
    [quote="Keith Reeder" wrote:
    [quote="photoGrant" wrote:
    Luckily this is merely an opt-in. So you can carry on as normal.

    A response which is unhelpful, irrelevant, and smug.

    It is perfectly reasonable to ask about the implications of a new beta release before applying to engage in the test programme.

    I'm not going anywhere near it either, for the same reasons - and like others, I have considerable beta testing experience, much of mine being with other Raw converters.

    I see there was more to the thread of questioning than what I initially commented on. Fair questions to ask! Retracted.

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