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Tethering Stopped Working - Reinstall Won't Work



  • SULMON Bernard
    There is already a thread about this subject
    The problem comes from the V 1903 update of windows 10.... Capture One do no more recognized his digital back, even if they are well recognized by win 10 (they appears as "working" in Win 10, and the Firewire Card is also recognized as "working", but C1 has lost contact with them ?)
    You have to reinstall a previous version of Win 10 if you have a backup
    Each 6 month, i clone the first disk of my computers and so, in case of problem, i replace the first disk with the cloned disk which contains a previous version of Win 10 ...
    It's what I have done yesterday ... and have to reinstall all the upgrade of programs which were made from the last clonage.
    So, I use now version 1803 of Win 10 (in place of 1903 which has been installed automatically 15 days ago) ... and i can again shoot in tethering mode with my Phase One Backs
    Once operational, you have to stop the "automatic upgrade processing of windows" ...
    In the commande bar (execute) .... type services.msc >enter> ... a window will open and you look the "windows update" feature and you disable it .... so, v1903 will no more be automatically installed.
    Once Phase ONe will habe found a solution .... you will have to rechange "windows update" feature
  • SULMON Bernard
    I'm somewhat astonished that nobody else speak about this problem.
    There is already more than 15 days that I have contacted Phase One, and that they have answered that they had just discovered this problem and that they were working to find a solution ... In the meantim, they recommand to roll back to a previous version of Win 10 (not the v1903 which causes the issue).
    But, Phase One do not communicate publicaly over this problem however
  • Jim Felder

    Wow, 2 years ago. I have a similar problem with a Windows 10 Dell laptop. Shooting tethered during headshots. Randomly the images stop coming in. I then have to insert the SD card into the computer to import. No way to get them straight from the camera.


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