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Capture One 13 – wish list.



  • NNN636746263898859274
    Yep. Woud be a nice thing to be able creating an album with new dynamic "offline" filter criterium
  • Benjamin Liddle
    Best option here is to create a tech support case (via the link in my profile)
  • C-M-B
    Fix the Wacom-driver-issues and use a non-ink based input method like Photoshop.
  • Paul Spatafora
    Hahahahaha, we're already talking about V13? How about adding these features for V12.1 and actually give us some value for our upgrade.
    So funny.
  • WPNL
    Isn't #13 normally / usually avoided???
  • Irvin Gomez
    That it does NOT come with the anticipated $215 price tag.

  • NN635868945810921963UL
    I like to add in 12.1 "content aware fill" (Photoshop, Affinity, DxO, ON1, .....) for instance for removing powerlines etc.
  • GrahamB3
    [quote="NN635868945810921963UL" wrote:
    I like to add in 12.1 "content aware fill" (Photoshop, Affinity, DxO, ON1, .....) for instance for removing powerlines etc.

    Search for "Remove Wires in Capture One using Heal Layer and Clone Layer" on YouTube. There's several videos available.
  • Keith Reeder
    [quote="NN635584888759405416UL" wrote:
    4. Focus and HDR stacking (with auto-align).

    Waaaay too "niche" to find a place in a mainstream Raw converter...
  • richard neal
    [quote="NNN635018233259472077" wrote:
    Hahahahaha, we're already talking about V13? How about adding these features for V12.1 and actually give us some value for our upgrade.
    So funny.

    im with paul. Lets make version 12 actually worth purchasing!
  • richard neal
    to add something useful to the thread though, as a feature id like to see in 12.1, id like to be able to assign styles to number keys.
  • NNN636746263898859274
    - Keyword synonym support
    - add keyword option to prevent being exported
    - color channel masking
  • Ian Leslie
    [quote="WPNL" wrote:
    Isn't #13 normally / usually avoided???

    LOL there is absolutely no need for that. Why perpetuate a silly superstition?

    Bring on version 13- after you have added a few cool things to 12 of course 😊
  • Brian Grant
    [quote="NNN636746263898859274" wrote:
    - Keyword synonym support
    - add keyword option to prevent being exported
    - color channel masking

    Color channel masking has been available for some time - create a selection in the Color Editor then "Create Masked Layer from Selection" from the menu within the Color Editor Tool.

    As long as plugins are developed to link to third party programs there really isn't much more that I would like to see. I would be happy to see v13 concentrate on database management - that seems to be a bit of a weak link.

    As far as the price - I hope they charge what they need to charge to keep the company profitable and able to put out yearly upgrades.
  • Manuel Romero
    My most wanted:

    • Improvements in Fit to screen Preview quality (I find them very soft, contrasty an oversaturated, working at 100% is not practical)
    • Panorama stitching, with Boundary Warp (Lightroom style).
    • HDR stacking
    • Dehaze/Haze slider
    • Able to save styles containing several layers and keeping masks selections (Is this possible as of today?)
    • Dedicated color masking tool (as done with Luminance) instead of through color editor: this would make the work flow more simple, centralized and allow dynamic color reselections or adjustments
    • In Clone/Heal layers ability to select different origins per brush stroke (instead of needing to create several layers)
    • Sharpening: Alternative view to check fine parameters adjustment as done in Lightroom when pressing ALT (desaturated view for "sharpening amount", black and white mask for "threshold" adjustment)
  • SFA
    [quote="gamba123" wrote:
    My most wanted:

    • Improvements in Fit to screen Preview quality (I find them very soft, contrasty an oversaturated, working at 100% is not practical)
    • Panorama stitching, with Boundary Warp (Lightroom style).
    • HDR stacking
    • Dehaze/Haze slider
    • Able to save styles containing several layers and keeping masks selections (Is this possible as of today?)
    • Dedicated color masking tool (as done with Luminance) instead of through color editor: this would make the work flow more simple, centralized and allow dynamic color reselections or adjustments
    • In Clone/Heal layers ability to select different origins per brush stroke (instead of needing to create several layers)
    • Sharpening: Alternative view to check fine parameters adjustment as done in Lightroom when pressing ALT (desaturated view for "sharpening amount", black and white mask for "threshold" adjustment)

    What is it about LightRoom that you don't like and that makes you want to stop using it?
  • mli20
    [quote="SFA" wrote:

    What is it about LightRoom that you don't like and that makes you want to stop using it?

    With all due respect, but must we go on and on about Lightroom here? After all, this is a forum for "Discussions, questions, comments and suggestions regarding Capture One PRO, Capture One PRO For Sony / Fujifilm, Capture One DB and Capture One Express For Sony / For Fujifilm 12.x for Windows".

  • SFA
    [quote="mli20" wrote:
    [quote="SFA" wrote:

    What is it about LightRoom that you don't like and that makes you want to stop using it?

    With all due respect, but must we go on and on about Lightroom here? After all, this is a forum for "Discussions, questions, comments and suggestions regarding Capture One PRO, Capture One PRO For Sony / Fujifilm, Capture One DB and Capture One Express For Sony / For Fujifilm 12.x for Windows".


    I agree.

    But if someone a fairly extensive of wishes that appear to reflect the need for one product to be a clone of another product before it really satisfies their needs one has to wonder why they wish to change.

    I could put it the other way around and ask what attracts them to Capture One but I think there is more to be learned by asking why they wish to change from what they have, that they are familiar with and what most likely contains and existing body of work that can only exist where it was edited. (The edits, not any resulting output files that are in a format which is portable between systems.)

    There seems to be a bit of a trend at the moment for claims and counter claims relating to people choosing or not choosing to change their main RAW image developer. 4 years ago we had the same thing from the Mac user world with regards to Aperture and that continues today to some extent.

    The LR angle recruits Windows users as well, as here. Perhaps there are new understandings to be collected and considered.

  • Marc Salvatore
    1. Edit in Photoshop as layers. Many times I need to bring in multiple photos for masking/combining.

    2. Better Perspective correction. Lightroom has a number of automated settings that work quite well for buildings. I do a lot of real estate and find the tools in Capture One cumbersome for this purpose.

    3. Improved noise reduction.
  • SFA
    [quote="NN635877107753174470UL" wrote:
    1. Edit in Photoshop as layers. Many times I need to bring in multiple photos for masking/combining.

    2. Better Perspective correction. Lightroom has a number of automated settings that work quite well for buildings. I do a lot of real estate and find the tools in Capture One cumbersome for this purpose.

    3. Improved noise reduction.

    I think on that basis you seem to be heavily reliant on the Adobe aspects of the LR/PS work flow. (They are, after all, from the same developer.) Capture One is certainly not Photoshop and unlikely to move that way by the next release.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Ability to lock/unlock the edits on any image with a 'lock' button. Only possible function is create clone/new variant or unlock.
    Edit locked images will also not accept any batch copy/pasted changes.
    I made this suggestion many years back before, perhaps around v7.
  • ex-ratt
    1. A proper updating mechanism. Capture One can tell you about updates, but then it just links to the website and not even directly to the download. You have to follow three links, then log in, and then download, and double-click etc. Other programs can do the update right from within the application itself. Something like that would be nice - because of this hassle I am not motivated to do the upgrade to 12.0.1 just yet.

    2. The luma-masking is really nice, and the logical next step would be to extend this to colors. Going through the color editor to create a mask based on a color is a bit cumbersome and does not allow for changing the mask while seeing how that would look with your edits. It would be great if this would work similar to the luma mask.

    3. The ability to add or subtract a mask from another layer. Right now I might have one layer for a flower and another for a bee that hovers in front of the flower. Now if I want to have a layer that affects everything else, I cannot just add those two masks and invert the result. Instead, I have to draw a completely new mask (which costs a lot of time) or I have to think about this possibility from the very beginning and create both masks (flower and bee) in the same layer and separate them afterwards. This is probably a feature that is very simple to add - no need to wait for version 13 😉

    4. A content-based replacement/fill would be really appreciated. The healing/cloning layers are quite limited and often I need several to remove a single piece of grass that is in front of a squirrel. Sometimes the automatic brightness adjustment goes crazy and makes the replaced spot way to bright and needs a lot of fiddling around to make it just right. An automatic replacement, like is offered by many other picture editing applications, would make this process much faster and hassle-free.

    This is all I can think of right now - otherwise Capture One is already a well-rounded and thought-through software that I enjoy using. The four proposed features would be the icing on the cake and save me (and maybe other users) a lot of time when editing raw files.

    I would even try developing one or two features myself if the plug-in API would allow for that. So maybe that is a fifth point for that list.
  • Karl Buhl
    Drop-down history list of recent actions and changes, similar to Photoshop (vs. Ctrl-Z, ad infinitum).
  • Aliaksei Shaviakou
    1. Presets for Luma range
    2. Copy/Paste for single layer
    3. Export overwrite option
    4. Disable grain on high ISO function
  • Clau_S
    I would like the ability to add or subtract different masks too.
    Also I would like the level and curve histogram on layers to reflect the actual pixel situation and most of all that it's based on selection. Do I understand what I've said? I really don't know...
  • Edward Jenner
    Shortcut keys to 2-5 user-defined brush settings.
  • Paul Jones
    Reinstate the shortcut for edit-with. Please!!!
  • mli20
    A reworked database design, necessary to implement acceptable performance of DAM functionality. For an analysis of one of the current problems see Performance re. keywording , an in-depth analysis, at

  • Ian Leslie
    My two biggest requests:

  • Allow individual variants to be included in albums (I know you can do this with smart albums - I want it with normal albums).

  • Black and white conversion as a layer - yes I want to be able to mask said B&W conversion - no reducing saturation to 0 is not the same thing.
  • 0
  • Paul Spatafora
    I have simple practical requests:

    1. Watermarking that allows both file name and logo on the same image. I think I've been asking fro this Since V7.
    2. Blur tool for the new radial gradients.
    3. A real clone and healing tool. The current implementation is very limited and frankly useless.
    4. Auto select in the brush tool that actuals works.
    5. Super dream tool but might not be practical. When working in layers, I can Edit in.... and then come back to CO natively. I have yet to understand the practicality of converting the image in CO into a TIFF or JPG and then edit it in the editor. I prefer to do what CO is capable and then edit in the editor.
    6. CO Styles should be included with the price. All the competitors have them built in as a carrot to buy.

    These are a few of my wishes.


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