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Support for Canon 5D?



  • Ulf Liljegren
    Support for this camera in Capture One has currently status as: as soon as possible.
    It will be Fall 2005, exact date has not yet been announced to the public.
  • Cranialstrain1
    I can't urge how important 5D support is to me, especially as tether support didn't work with my 20D & 3.7.1.

    Quick as please guys! 🙄

  • Ulf Liljegren
    It will come, why 20D does not work tethered on Mac OS 10.4 (Works on 10.3) lies in the Canon SDK package, as soon as Canon release a new SDK where this is fixed we will also implement thatm same goes for Canon 5D, we will need a Canon SDK for that camera to work teherered, while the support/develop of files is Phase One solidly that develops.
  • NN8926212
    I cannot stress how important it is to get 5D support too, I have the advantage of a quality camera and a HUGE disadvantage of no software to process anything with. Adobe has no support yet, and probably will not for the next three months. PLEASE do not make me use Canon's software....ughh! It will be greatly appreciated by those who have these cameras. Thanks!
  • Johanfoto
    Have you actually tried ACR on 5D images? In the Rob Galbraith forums someone claims that he double clicked a 5D RAW file, and to surprise it opened in ACR...
  • Rudy Torres
    I am going to add my self to this list.
    I received my Canon 5d yesterday and I would have loved to use Capture One tethered to my Mac today but I will be using Canon's DPP.
    I hope PhaseOne can figure a tethered solution on Tiger.
    This is very important to many of us.
  • NN8926212
    To all 5D users, until Phase One comes out with support for the camera, try downloading the current version of Camera Raw(Version 3.2). It has beta support in the plugin for the 5D so you can use Camera Raw in Photoshop and works well for the moment. It does not show the full size image if using Adobe Bridge(just a thumbnail), but opens in Photoshop Raw with no problem. Anything from having to use the Canon software is huge in my opinion. Hope this helps someone.
  • Phil211
    [quote="atort13" wrote:
    To all 5D users, until Phase One comes out with support for the camera, try downloading the current version of Camera Raw(Version 3.2). It has beta support in the plugin for the 5D so you can use Camera Raw in Photoshop and works well for the moment. It does not show the full size image if using Adobe Bridge(just a thumbnail), but opens in Photoshop Raw with no problem. Anything from having to use the Canon software is huge in my opinion. Hope this helps someone.

    I find ACR 3.2 (for now) and Canon's own DPP 2.X both provide acceptable results. So, if you are looking for a tie over package you have two choices. Personally, I perfer Canon's software. If you go the Canon route READ the user manual. I know we all hate to do that but the tools are there but the workfolw is a bit cumbersome. Personal preference. When POPro comes out I'll switch back. In the mean time, Canon gets used for all the work with the 5D, 10D, and 20D.

  • NN8926212
    I agree that they can provide acceptable results for the interim, but I personally prefer ACR 3.2 probably because I am more familiar/comfortable with it....makes sense, huh. 😉 I still will be happy as can be when Phase One has support for it though.
  • dleepenn
    I'm finding that Capture 1 Pro solves most of my processing problems that I used photoshop for in the past. Just returned from a 28 day trip to the West with my 10D and ran C1Pro on my laptop. Not sure that I will photoshop many of the images at all C1Pro did the job for me.

    Today, just minutes ago, I received my new 5D. The display on the back is HUGE!!! \"Chimping\" here I come....

    I too will be waiting anxiously for 5D support.

    This IS the camera I was looking for!!!

  • Edwin121
    Any more recent news on when the 5D will be supported?

    Can't wait!!!!! 😭
  • NN111
    I won't even consider buying a 5D unless I know that it works as well tethered as the 1Ds with Capture One. I am a little concerned because the interface is now USB2 instead of FireWire. Are there any reasons to think this would be a problem?

  • Ulf Liljegren
    USB2 interface on the cameras that have that works fine with the exception that USB2 is not as fast as Firewire.
    Some might object when I say this when the speed of USB2 is 480MBit and Firewire is 400MBit, but one should remember that the USB protocol is far more \"heavy\" then the Firewire protocol so this will make it slower.
    But I have no reports on true capture rate (None bufferered) so I should not say tomuch just yet, I am merely making assumption from experiance.
  • NN8926212
    Does anyone from PhaseOne have any idea of a date for the support of the 5D...I was told possibly by the end of the month. Is there any truth to that? Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
  • Anonymous
    Sorry, No Official Date has been set.... only a TimeFrame of November for release of a Capture One update with the 2 new Canon cameras supported as a top priority.

  • NN8926212
    Sounds good enough. Thanks.
  • Scott311
    [quote="atort13" wrote:
    Does anyone from PhaseOne have any idea of a date for the support of the 5D...I was told possibly by the end of the month. Is there any truth to that? Any info is appreciated. Thanks.

    I also NEED a REAL date of release......
  • Johanfoto
    Knowing a real date doesn't bring that date any faster. Keith said 'November' and on my calendar it's still October.
  • Scott311
    ? Why did you feel it nessary to do this?
  • Johanfoto
    I have a 1Ds MKII and a 5D, so I'm anxious for an update too. However, I don't think PhaseOne is deliberatly delaying an update just to annoy me (or you). That's why. I rather wait a little longer for a good update than have a buggy one right now.
  • NN8926212
    Alright, I know early December is right around the corner, but I bought a Mark IIN along with the 5D and now I am really wanting this update to come asap. Will they notify people in any, etc., or should we just keep on checking periodically? Thanks.
  • Johanfoto
    C1 can do that automatically every time you use the program.
  • Fred Donham
    To the C1 pro developers....... PLEASE RUSH !!!!!! Come out with a BETA...... SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never thought I would need a software this bad.....

    Sitting with over 1000 images+++ from my Canon 5d cameras that are needed right away.....

    I feel like a junkie 🤓

    Guess that I need therapy. 👿 [/b]
  • Ulf Liljegren
    Beta program is running right now and a public release candidate should be available very very soon.
  • codfish1
    i waited 7 months (from april 2003 til november 2003) for c one to support the 10d so i would be pleased to see 5d support by december. there will always be a lag in canon raw support since canon guards their raw files so closely.
    HOWEVER, the special upgrade offer which includes 2 etc profiles is totally useless to me with my new 5d as the etcetera website doesn't even list upcoming support for the 5d yet and one must get the profiles within 8 days of the c one purchase which must be by the end of next month. and frankly without magne's profiles i'm not sure i'll even do the upgrade.
  • Fred Donham
    THANK YOU C1 PEOPLE for putting the new version online..... Hope it shines with my 5d as good as the others have with the Mark II cameras!! 😜
  • Ulf Liljegren
    public Release Candidate is out, download it at

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