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Masks Not showing.



  • GJT_West
    I have noticed that the layers in this image have lost their type. By that I mean where there is usually text showing the type of layer (adjustment, clone and heal) there is nothing. If I add a new layer it's type will be displayed, but no mask can be drawn on it. Not brushed nor gradient.
  • GJT_West
    10.0.1 didn't fix it.
  • SFA
    Catalogue or session?

    As a wild guess I would think that the adjustment edit record for the problem image may have some form of corruption OR there is something odd in the cache for the edit session that is being retained as you work - but I would think the former is more likely.

    I have no understanding of where and how the information is managed in a catalogue.

    Using a session there are two files associated with the source image - one for the edit instructions and another for the masks.

    The one and only time I has a problem with a file (back in V7 - no masks involved) I simply deleted the edit file and re-did the work. Whether that applies here I have no idea nor do I know how the original problem arose.

    I would suggest you create a Support Case and seek advice. If you have hit a new or undiagnosed problem the Support Team probably would appreciate taking a look at it.


  • GJT_West
    @Grant, thanks for the response.

    It is a catalog.

    I opened a support case last night, since it doesn't seem to be something people have experienced.

    My guess is that I dragged the image from the main catalog into an album and the connection with something was lost.

    But I have no idea how they have implemented that functionality for catalogs.
  • SFA
    [quote="UCS308" wrote:
    @Grant, thanks for the response.

    It is a catalog.

    I opened a support case last night, since it doesn't seem to be something people have experienced.

    My guess is that I dragged the image from the main catalog into an album and the connection with something was lost.

    But I have no idea how they have implemented that functionality for catalogs.


    Not being a catalogue user I have not previously looked into the underlying file structure.

    I have now using a recent test catalogue I set up for V10 that imported files from 3 separate pre-existing sessions of various ages.

    I'm using Windows but would guess the concept is the same although visibility of the fundamental structure my be more opaque for Mac?

    The short answers seems to be that, as with sessions, the Mask definition files are separate from the edit definitions and in a different folder.

    If you moved images using C1 functionality I would have expected all adjustments and related files to be updated to retain the links.

    If you moved files using Mac OS functionality I would guess you would need to Locate the moved files? I have no observations about how that might be actioned within the various catalogue file system internal connections.

    If you are comfortable and familiar with having a look "under the hood" I would suggest taking a look to see what is around. However whilst I find the session filing structure quite self explanatory the Catalogue folder structure for V10 (the only version I have looked at) is much less obvious - at least for referenced files imported from sessions.

    At least the adjustments, preview files and so on retain the original image file name, albeit all in lower case as far as I can tell. Whether this might have any effect compared with case sensitive names I don't know. Internally none I would think but external file searches, if used and if case sensitive, might need some care.



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