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Cross platform referenced catalogue on external SSD issues



  • Franz J Wenzel
    I know windows and osx have very different HD handling... (same problem for me in different app)

    Have you tried to assign your external HD a 'fixed drive letter' in windows? I encountered that windows assigns drive letters depending on your current state of your machine e.g. if you have more than one usb device connected it will change the drive letter pending the sequence of connecting the devices... just a thought!
  • Christiaan mak
    [quote="C-F" wrote:
    I know windows and osx have very different HD handling... (same problem for me in different app)

    Have you tried to assign your external HD a 'fixed drive letter' in windows? I encountered that windows assigns drive letters depending on your current state of your machine e.g. if you have more than one usb device connected it will change the drive letter pending the sequence of connecting the devices... just a thought!

    Windows changing the drive letter is an easy fix: just update the folder path with the "find" function.
    It's the migration from a Windows modified catalogue to MAC OS where the "find" function fails. But as said: it already starts with the wrong interpretation of the Windows modified path to the Samsung external SSD: when opening the catalogue on MAC OS, the folder is marked "offline" or missing, but has the path starting with "HD1", which is the MAC boot drive. So it makes sense that the "find" function then fails, because instead of modifying the right path to the Samsung SSD to accord with MAC, it is replacing a faulty path starting with HD1. No wonder that does not work, and the linked images folder after the find localization, returns an empty folder. While all the images are actually there!


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