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Edith with... doesen't work



  • Robert Farhi
    Works with me.....
  • Benjamin Liddle
    Best option here is to create a tech support case (via the link in my profile) and send us your log files, which can be generated via the Scripts > Get Logs option.
  • Hans Knikman
    same problem here. Button is also greyed out. I can work around it by choosing "open with" the file is opened with ACR first, but I can open it in PS from that screen. File types (tif, new, raf) does make a difference for this. But rather irritating this. Opened a support case too.
  • Robert Farhi
    Did you check that in Capture One -> Preferences -> plugins, the software you want you edit with is cross checked ?
  • Milan Schirlo
    I have the same problem... It's imposible use Edith with. Plus when I open Edit with, I see only one last used program. If I want to use another, I have to find it ... I've seen several of the programs when I've used C1 before ...
  • Robert Farhi
    [quote="NN635474409259858255UL" wrote:
    I have the same problem... It's imposible use Edith with. Plus when I open Edit with, I see only one last used program. If I want to use another, I have to find it ... I've seen several of the programs when I've used C1 before ...

    You just have to go to "Capture One" -> "Preferences" in the main bar menu -> "Plugins" and there you have a list of all the applications/softwares you can add. Once you have checked the ones you like, they will appear in the list of "Edit with....".
  • Shane Baker
    I had a similar problem. All of a sudden, C1 wouldn't allow edit with - until I checked preferences and made the appropriate selection.

    The thing is: I hadn't changed my preferences. One day Edit with Affinity Photo worked - the next day it didn't!
  • Milan Schirlo
    heureca 😊 In Preferences/Plugin there is Open with menu 1.0.0. I checked the PS2019 and Aleien Skin fields and now everything works...
  • Bruce Sanderson
    Make sure that Spotlight indexing is enabled. Otherwise the Open With menu in the Plugins preferences does not get populated. Then make sure you check the desired application in the Preference. A restart will be needed after making these changes.
  • Jürgen Pust
    I followed that instuctions but the "allowed Applications" in the plugin prefences stay empty (MacOS 10.14.3)

    any clue?

  • Robert Farhi
    Is it completely empty ?
    You should have something like that: ... 0.jpg?dl=0

    If not, you can try to add ('+' sign at the bottom left) your favorites apps.

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