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sort problem in 5.0.1 !!!



  • David Papas
    I have the same thing, I posted and also put in a support case, support said they could not recreate the problem. It has happened on two computers.
    I am wondering if it has to do with how the files are named. I used job name/image name. I am hoping going back to image name only will help.
  • danielschweinert
    I didn't changed the names of the files. They were straight imported with their real image name into the capture folder. Everything was fine until I closed capture one and opened the same session on the next day again.

    Now Im screwed because I had a sort order on how to check the files and I already edited them. Importing them again does mean that all my changes are lost.
  • danielschweinert
    I've also contacted the support. Let's see if they have a solution yet.
    Thats really crappy because that way I can't use it for commercial work and I don't want to install different versions on my macbook pro.
  • René91
    I've had the same problem with the sorting and discovered that disabling the vignetting module solved the problem. The vignetting module also caused the problem that, when resetting a picture, the little icon in the right-under corner reappeared on reopening C1 v5 when no adjustments were made (the picture was in de background adjusted by the vignetting module setting a circulair vignetting on the picture instead of an ecliptical which was not reset - bug ?).
  • danielschweinert
    I tried to remove the vignetting tool tab but that did not help. Though the sort oder changes but it's still scrambled just in another way. Hope they fix it soon.

    I could install version 5.0 but than I can't open the session at all because it crashes on start.
  • David Papas
    It would be good if you could start a "support case". If enough people have this problem and do that, it would help let them know it actually exists. It really makes it hard to use the program, thankfully it did not scramble when the client was there.
  • danielschweinert
    Yes I already put a support case but I need these pics finished by monday.

    Just to let you know guys that I found a workaround:
    Instead of using the session folders I've just clicked on "System folders" and navigated to my images. Seems like here the sort function works correctly because it has to reread the whole images! If I click again on the session folder everything is scrambled also the thumbnails of edited pics are squeezed. Thats really weird!

    So for now I will have to use the "System folders" and I can finally do some work.
  • NN164159UL
    I am experiencing exactly the same problem, however clicking on the "system folders" only remedy the situation sometimes. Please fix this problem Phase One, or provide a solid workaround asap. It is a serious bug that makes the application virtually unusable.
  • Drew Altdo
    As I do not know of any of your specific Support Cases I am not referencing anything in particular but thought it was worth pointing you to a similar thread;

    If the sort issue is simply confusion in naming convention then that thread may help. If it is something deeper then we cannot account for it at this time as we have not been able to replicate the few sort cases users have reported. If you can provide the Case #'s I can take a look.
  • David Papas
    Here is the support case I sent in, they could not find a problem,
    evidently a lot of other people are seeing it too.
    Support Case Number 67713
  • Edward Caruso
    i have the same issue on 2 computers. haven't tried reinstralling C1pro, which i shouldn't have to do.
    the only way to work with a session is to navigate through the finder folders not favorites. needless to say its annoying and embarrassing in front of the photographer and art director when i can't figure out how to properly order the shots on set. when working with CF cards i've been using bridge to rename since this has started. its so fast and never makes a mistake unlike C1Pro.
    i am also getting corrupted sessions using 5.0.1
    i have alot of other issues with the recent update, i have to make a support case when i get time, but i really feel that 5.0.1 has performance issues that 3.7, 4.8 and 5.0 did not.
  • Drew Altdo
    I can understand the frustration of that embarrassment but until you can create a support case won't have details to adjust for a potential problem.

    I'll bump that supporter and get the details of the case, the more eyes we put on it the better off we'll all be. However, this isn't something that has been reported but for a handful of times and aside from yours the others were user error.
  • Drew Altdo
    I reviewed the case real quick and think that we should get some sample files from you as well as the session file. If you could pack the files as EIP and provide the COL50 file as well, uploaded on our FTP, we'll try your files to recreate the issue rather than our own. Perhaps its just a tag in the RAW or corrupt session. Further testing will hopefully shed some light on the issue.
  • David Papas
    Thanks for looking into this, they did not ask for files before and I have since deleted the COl50 session files. I had to create new sessions and re import. I suspect they were corrupt I did have it happen on two different computers with both my P45+ and my Canon in separate instances. I always have separate sessions for each camera. It also happened both on my Macbook Pro and My MacPro. I expect it to happen again and I will save them then. A number of people on this forum have been reporting this. Using the sort tool does not help.
  • Drew Altdo
    Keep me posted through the case. There will be a service update out shortly (days). When it's available use that version and let us know what you find.
  • Paul Steunebrink
    [quote="Drew " wrote:
    Keep me posted through the case. There will be a service update out shortly (days). When it's available use that version and let us know what you find.

    I assume you refer to the 5.0.2 release, out today?
  • Drew Altdo
    Bingo. I guess I should have said hours rather than days.
  • john294
    I have the same problem with sorting, everything is scrambled, it won't even sort by rating anymore. In 5.01 it wouldn't sort by name or date but it was sorting by rating OK.
  • Drew Altdo
    In looking into this issue with a few other users (2) it would appear that replacing the session file has solved there issue. To replace the session just open a new session in Capture One, delete the suspected COL50 file through finder then File>New Session and create a new session with the same name in the exact same place. Capture One will not overwrite any of the existing files just create a new session (COL50) file.
  • Jann Lipka
    I have the same problem - sorting scrambled as hell , without any sense -
    Your workaround is not so easy to follow -
    Sounds like we are supposed to create two new sessions .
    I have problems with this as new session is created as " untethered " and don't recognize my 14 Gig files ( NO I will not send it to support )
  • Jann Lipka
    OK Your workaround with new session works thanks you
    ( Your instructions could be more clear though )
    Still there is an obvious bug somewher in 502.
  • Edward Caruso
    I have had this issue since 5.0.1 - include me in the list.
  • David Papas
    I have had the problem again with 5.02. I have sent the session file in along with a report to the previous support case. I have not heard back yet. The work around of creating a new session is not very helpful with a client looking over your shoulder. I have had this happen now on two different mac computers and with both my P45+ and with my Canon 5D2. I had taken supports previous advice of doing a clean install and also updated from 5.01 to 5.02. It seems to be ok until the first time you quit and reopen the program, then it is scrambled with no way to resort them. I am hoping it will be fixed in 5.03. This time I used only the original file name. What I am trying to do, is not quit the program until after the job is completed, so it at least does not happen during the shoot.
  • Juergen1
    I've got the same problems, but only after creating albums. Thumbnails going green then and unsorted. After selecting the pictures in the system folders they appear as usual again.

    But now I could not reopen the session file. Creating a new one with the same name meant to loose the albums. Not very funny if this was the base for your web albums (or other following purposes).

    Same behaviour in 5.01 Pro and 5.0.2 Pro.
  • francois pellegrini
    Same problem here. The problem was there with 5.0.1 and has not gone with 5.0.2.
    The work around is fine, but it is not very nice... It it no more than a work around.
  • David Rees
    Same problem here,in 5.0.2 - just about to start on the work around.
    Not very happy...
  • Daniel Goldwasser
    I'm having this problem as well. I just started using albums, and as the previous user stated, I think that may be part of the issue, as they come up clean when viewed in system files (for the most part).

    The thumbnails are green an squeezed. Very annoying.
  • NN247001UL
    Same problem here. I've already posted to another thread though.
  • Drew Altdo
    Keep the threads contained in one place so it's easier for others to find.

    If you continue to have this problem please create a support case. The more details we have the better we can identify an issue if one exists and account for it with a future update. Since there are so many users reporting the issue here there may very well be something we can adjust for, without details how would we know what that something is?

    Jann Lipka,
    If you want a more detailed description ask for me in a support case. This is a User to User forum so my answers are usually brief.
  • David Papas
    I tried uploading the latest problem session through the support case. I removed most of the files but it was still about 6 gigs compressed and even with my fast synchronous connection it would not upload. I think the capture setting file was really big.
    This is the third time this has happened on two different computers. and with two different cameras. I am sure the session file is getting corrupted. After first having the sorting go haywire, eventually the program will hang when trying to open the session. the only thing to do is force quit and manually remove it. Then the program will reopen with a new or different session. I have a two day shoot next week and I will be using an older version of the software. Honestly this is becoming very frustrating.

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