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Copy Layers/adjustments between sessions



  • SFA
    [quote="NN263972UL" wrote:

    I would like to ask your help in order to find a solution for my question.
    I develop my work in Capture One in a Session based workflow, and today I got the need to copy a full image adjustments (with its layers) to an image in a different session and I cant find any way, unless opening Session A, select the image from which I need the adjustments, copy adjustments, close Session A, open Session B, select the image in which I need to paste the adjustments, and Apply Adjustments.
    I'v tried saving a Styles with all the adjustments from image A, but i wont save layers nor any adjustment made within layers.

    Does anyone know any other way of using full adjustments (incl. Layers) from a picture, in another from different sessions?

    Than you very much for your feedback.

    All the best,


    You can have more than one session open at the same time so the option you have already found should work quite well.

    You could also open one of the files in the other session and use the copy and paste option but there is really no need to do that if you have both sessions open.

    However you may find there are some restrictions for layers being used if there are differences in the source of the source files. For example I can copy all edits and layer between images in different sessions for the same camera the layers do not copy if the source file for the edits and the target file are from different cameras - in my test case different models with different sensor sizes although from the same manufacturer.


  • Bruno Calado
    SFA, Thank you for your help!

    Kind regards,


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