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Moving Preview Cache



  • LukaKauzlaric
    For posterity I'm answering my own question and currently trialing a fix for this which may help those struggling with large cache folders. If it all blows up in my face I'll write back and let you all know, but it seems I've fixed it.This should work for mac and PC as both OS's offer similar fuctionality, though the description below is windows specific.

    I've adapted a workaround used in lightroom to sync files to dropbox using symlinks. Symlinks (or Symbolic links) are more powerful shortcut files that can trick software into thinking a file or directory, in this case the previews folder, is exactly where it should be - but instead the data is held elsewhere.

    A decent article outlining symlink use (with links to a simple graphical plugin if you're scared of the command line) can be found here: ... -or-linux/

    The process I used was super-straightforward:

    1. Download the graphical plugin for the Link Shell Extension here: ... nsion.html

    2. Install it (don't forget the windows update file that it needs too.)

    3. Close Capture One. (May not be necessary but probably wise.)

    4. Navigate to your catalog previews folder((/catalog name/cache/)

    5. Cut or move (but don't copy) the previews folder to where ever else you want it to be. It needs to be GONE from it's original position.

    6. Right click on the previews folder after you've moved it to wherever you want it, select 'Pick Link Source'. (If you can't see this option go back to step 1& 2).

    7. Navigate back to your catalog folder where the previews folder is now missing, right click and select 'drop as.. > Symbolic Link'

    8. You're done! Reopen Capture One and use as normal.

    Seems to be working great so far. My SSD is happy and so am I. I hope the CO dev team might implement a simple option in the settings but I hope this helps someone.
  • LukaKauzlaric
    Just a final update one month in:

    Fix is still working great. 57gb of preview files spread over two separate catalogs and no issues so far. I suppose the only thing that may speed this up more would be using a faster preview drive as a large amount of previews being built would benefit from faster IOPS, but at this point we're talking fractions of a second.

    Hope this helps.

  • LukaKauzlaric
    Final update: It's been about 7 months of running the previews this way - looks like it's still going strong, 60GB of previews and no issues.

    Hope it helps someone!

  • Gustavo Ferlizi
    [quote="LukaKauzlaric" wrote:
    Final update: It's been about 7 months of running the previews this way - looks like it's still going strong, 60GB of previews and no issues.

    Hope it helps someone!


    Good to know. Thanks for reporting back.
  • WPNL
    Sounds like a great solution! Nice job 😊
  • grasjeroen
    I like the solution you give (have tried similar things in the past as well), but with 'only' 60Gb of preview data, I'd expect that would fit on the SSD as well, making Capture One more responsive. I am surprised that the difference in performance is only fractions of a second. I thought that getting a 4K preview file from an HDD would be quite noticable ...

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