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Feature Request:Batch Process for Descriptions and Keywords!



  • SFA
    [quote="photoadele" wrote:
    I'm really enjoying this software, however I'm very frustrated by a few things.

    You cannot batch keywords or descriptions when I select all of the images. Instead it does it to just one image, when they are clearly all selected!

    With this software being so great(and trust me it really is!), you guys need to figure this one out. Right now I'm working on over a 1,000 images and I have to literally sit here and c/p everything into those sections. No one should have to do this.

    So yes, this is my suggestion for a MUCH needed feature! Oh and another....add the keyboard commands for copy and paste Command C and Command V! OMG, it took my a while to find out how to use C1's version! 😕

    Thank you so much 😊


    There is a toggle feature for maximum operation flexibility. Switch it on and values are copied (or for ratings and colour tags are immediately applied) to all selected variants.

    Go to the Edit menu and llokf for the entry for Edit ALL Selected Variants. You should see a keyboard shortcut for it too.

    There is also a menu icon - it lloks like 3 rectangle lyikng one on top of the other.

    If it is white you are in single selection mode. If Orange - all selected images mode.


  • SFA
    I have just seen your other post on a similar matter now resolved.

    The features you seek should be available and there are multiple ways to make them happen.

    For example for Keywords and IPTC fields (and anything else you can filter by except base Camera and Lens Metadata) you can select your images, find the value field you wish to apply, and drag the images over to the that field in the Filters list or IPTC section. The selected images (assuming All Selected images is active) will be updated.


  • Deirdre Ryan
    Thanks Grant!
    I appreciate your time and patience. That did work to some extent.
    The keywords were added, but the description was not.

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