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Resetting C1 Default Styles vs Default Presets in Lightroom


1 comment

  • SFA
    Firstly I would consider making a Variant, with or without your existing preset values, if you are going to experiment. That would have the benefit of allowing you to make side by side on screen comparisons.

    Secondly if you have your presets collected into a Style you can simply re-apply the style to a totally reset image and you are back to where you started. Of course if you go down the Variant route you would not need to do that and, subject to any other edits - crop, rotation and similar for example - you could just clone you starting variant once again and apply the style or cut and paste the edits from the first edit to a New (not cloned) variant.

    The variant is only an edit entry in the image settings file so no great use of storage space.



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