zoom & crop
I use a point and shoot camera with very limited zoom so I have been zooming images in capture one and saving them as a crop. If the image is well focused to begin with then the crop looks good to me. Are there any guidelines as to how much you can zoom before losing quality? At this point I am only posting images online but my guess is if I were to print and enlarge some of the imperfections would show. Thanks.
All depends on original file size 0 -
You could use a process recipe that produces output of, say, 2000px on the long side. Crop with that recipe active, then zoom to 100% and click the Recipe Proofing button on the toolbar (spectacles). If you have cropped quite a small part of your image, Capture One will have to upscale it to give you your 2000px width, but using the recipe proofing feature like that will give you an idea of how good or bad it will look.
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