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Exposure very different on import compared to camera screen



  • VirtualRain
    The only thing I can think of besides a blatant issue with your camera or the software is that it could be the difference between JPEG and RAW. Are you viewing JPEGs on your camera and importing RAW? Your camera produces a JPEG preview suitable for viewing on the screen which may use settings to compensate for lens light fall off and even add brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness that you won't see in the RAW depending on your picture style settings and other settings in the camera. That's where I would start. I would also check the brightness setting on your camera LCD in case it's cranked to maximum.
  • Rupert Pessl
    Check if your camera has some auto brightness option turned on (fooled me once before).

    Yes, as pointed out by the previous post - the camera will never display the actual RAW file but a jpg preview.

    One more thing that comes to my mind - is there maybe some "auto-adjustment on import" option turned on?
  • ksignorini
    I'm finding with my Nikon D7000 RAWs that I need to drop saturation by abput -10 to -15 after import to get nice color overall. However, the on-camera image is very, say "light," in comparison (yes, the camera shows a JPEG rendered based on camera settings) and I'm much prefering the CO rendered version.

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