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Keywords Not Being Embedded?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    There is a section in the Export dialog box (and an equivalent section in a process recipe) with five tabs labelled Basic, File, Adjustments, Metadata, Watermark.

    On the metadata tab you can control what is included. There are check boxes for Rating and Color Tag, Copyright, GPS Coordinates, Camera Metadata and All Other Metadata. There is also a drop down list to control inclusion of keywords, including options for All, None, and keywords from selected keyword libraries.

    Have you looked at the settings there?

  • Deirdre Ryan
    [quote="Ian3" wrote:
    There is a section in the Export dialog box (and an equivalent section in a process recipe) with five tabs labelled Basic, File, Adjustments, Metadata, Watermark.

    On the metadata tab you can control what is included. There are check boxes for Rating and Color Tag, Copyright, GPS Coordinates, Camera Metadata and All Other Metadata. There is also a drop down list to control inclusion of keywords, including options for All, None, and keywords from selected keyword libraries.

    Have you looked at the settings there?


    I had no idea....I would've thought that when you added keywords to the images, since the rest of the metadata is already included in the export, then that would automatically be included as well. 🙄 In LR it did this. Perhaps this should be something that CPO should seriously look into as an added feature in it's next update?
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    Perhaps this should be something that CPO should seriously look into as an added feature in it's next update?

    Nooo!!! It works well as it is. You only have to set it once if you want to include all keywords. But there are advantages to being able to set up some recipes with and some without. Also if you have keywords in more than one keyword library it gives great flexibility. Imagine I have a photo of my kids at a tourist site in Barcelona. (Actually, I have never been to Barcelona.) If I have places and people in separate keyword libraries, I could export so that the place was tagged, without my kids' names being mentioned.

  • Deirdre Ryan
    [quote="Ian3" wrote:
    Perhaps this should be something that CPO should seriously look into as an added feature in it's next update?

    Nooo!!! It works well as it is. You only have to set it once if you want to include all keywords. But there are advantages to being able to set up some recipes with and some without. Also if you have keywords in more than one keyword library it gives great flexibility. Imagine I have a photo of my kids at a tourist site in Barcelona. (Actually, I have never been to Barcelona.) If I have places and people in separate keyword libraries, I could export so that the place was tagged, without my kids' names being mentioned.


    I get that, I only meant that once you add the keywords to the images that you're working on, those are the only keywords that stay within only those images.

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