Textured toolbar?
A small gripe on what seems like an otherwise solid upgrade, but is there any way to change the appearance of the toolbar back to the "flat" look of CO6 instead of the leatherette and drop shadow?
To me at least this is almost as horrible and pointless as the "skeuomorphic" Address Book and iCal in the current Mac OS.
To me at least this is almost as horrible and pointless as the "skeuomorphic" Address Book and iCal in the current Mac OS.
Sorry, it can't be changed.
Others have expressed their lack of appreciation for the "Leather Look", to each their own. If others feel the same way it be good to hear from them on this thread and we can then see if it's worth the effort to change.
Sorry you don't like it. 🤭0 -
I really think it's horrible and have actually changed it to a flat grey (by replacing the LeatherTexture.tiff in the app with a flat grey texture). It would be nice if it was an option in the preferences instead. Apart from the toolbar I'm really impressed by version 7. Image quality, speed, retina support is all brilliant. 0 -
Yes, it looks terrible. Please change to earlier variant from CO6. 0 -
That's three votes... lets get some more before we bring it up with the developers. 0 -
i don´t like the texture, too 0 -
Flat is better 0 -
new toolbar texture - yes please change it to something flat.
I do not like skeuomorphic Apple stuff at all.0 -
It would be a wonderful idea to get rid of this "leather look". 0 -
I like it. 0 -
Not my taste either.
Please change it to flat.
Thank you.0 -
another vote to change it 0 -
Please NO texture .. that was the first thing that put me off. 0 -
flat... please!
(or user selectable in the prefs)0 -
Remember Starsky and Hutch? Would it be possible to have the toolbar a simple white stripe on a red background? Would make my workflow soooo much faster. 0 -
If this is the only thing you guys have to complain about. I guess they did a good job otherwise? 0 -
[quote="ben43456" wrote:
If this is the only thing you guys have to complain about. I guess they did a good job otherwise?
No no - there will be plenty. I already asked about the thumbnail outline persisting to be white instead of user selectable.
This faux leather think jumps jumps out as wrong to many of us. What's it supposed to be? The leather grip on a camera? I think we are right to nip this right here - we do not need skemporphic elements in our pro capture software.0 -
it has been enough for me to swtich from the smothness of version 3 to the "videogame world appareances" built from version 4: now with this leather like version phase one reached the top, please take it away!0 -
I like it! 😊 0 -
I like it, too; even if it is not important. Maybe there will be a possibility to can choose whether flat or leather? 0 -
Just like Icall is ugly now, the textured toolbar is TO 😊
So ugly, get it out 😊 :p , i don't know why dev's insist to do that .. keep it plain and simple..0 -
It doesn't matter to me either way. It's hardly noticeable. If it bothers you that much, your not paying attention to what really matters......your photos. 🙄 😊 0 -
@ steven48, following your line of thought, it's just like having an heated office, a comfortable office chair, a office desk, and coffee in your hot water isn't important, as long as you focus on the image.. Why not all work on the floor of a freezing cold office drinking hot water...
We're not saying it's not usable, it's a great upgrade ( like version 3 was like version 5 was, like 7 is now), Only, there's no use making some thing that was nice and comfortable, ugly, it only annoys people who on a daily bases work with VISUAL quality, ... I know for programmers that might not be important how some thing look, but for Visual people that's an other way of thinking.. For instance, i don't use Icall any more, and paid 50 bucks on APP store to get exactly the same, only a less annoying look...
I am shure Phase One threw a large budget to it, to only get the look different, but it wasn't needed, better keep it simple and put the budget into some thing else.. ( So they don't end up like Hasselblad throwing, money around and ending up not having enough money to develop "realy new" stuff instead of smashing bits that hey find around the shop together and tell us its a "new" camera.. )0 -
The discussion here is not about if C1pro7 is good or not, how futile it seems talking about this, it's important we discuss such details...
First of all, Phase One is one of the only brands where the producer looks at their forums, that's their strong point. And that's the advantage of such a forum, above a helpdesk-case-message, as this is public, and lots of people can discuss and learn from each other.
Second of all, the reason why i personally chose phase one above any other brand, is because for me it's one of the rare brands that work from a point of view that starts with the photographer. What does he need ? what does he want ? and how can we give him a "modern" approach to stuff without loosing the core business.. ( Megavision has more or less the same approach but they go to much 'for me' into technicality that make it difficult to use in all situations, in relation to Megavision and/or today's sinar's, is that Phase One is simply the best all-rounder they make workhorses ...). In the same aspect, as the current 645 Body is not the best one on the marked, ( lets be honest, the 645 DF still has a lot of the horrible Mamiya 645 deseases ), since phase one came into the equation the body evolved hugely. And i am 100% shure that within 5 years Phase will come with the new "contax 645" wich now is 10 years old ( latest version) and still kickass good.
Third: These discussions are important, to just let them know we're not into having some thing that's "HIP", like hassy's strategy was/is, just for Fashionistas ... For us, our Phase One and add-ons are our bread and butter, work horses, ( you should see the state of my DF645 or DB, the paint is disappearing fast, )...
So sorry but we're focussing on ridiculous details, Just like a taxi-driver focusses on details in his car..0 -
@ steven48, following your line of thought, it's just like having an heated office, a comfortable office chair, a office desk, and coffee in your hot water isn't important, as long as you focus on the image.. Why not all work on the floor of a freezing cold office drinking hot water...
I'm sorry but your correlation doesn't equate. Changing the appearance of a toolbar (so minor of which that if it wasn't pointed out I probably wouldn't have noticed it at first) and working conditions in an office so different that production would fall off the charts aren't even close.
Now if they made the toolbar pink and the background white with whimsical scrolls all over the place, then your correlation would be right on track 😊 .
As far as iCal, don't use it on my computer at least. On my phone is a different story. I haven't noticed much of a difference in appearance on my phone. Since I don't use iCal on my computer I don't know how it's changed. I can't see spending $50 on a app when something I already have for free does the same thing. TBH, I guess that's no different than me wanting to spend $3600 on a new box that records images when I already own one 😊 . To each their own I suppose.
Please don't think I'm trying to rude or condescending, just a different point of view.0 -
I'd like to see an option to have it removed/disabled too. Not a fan of the leather look. 0 -
I always use CO in full screen mode. That's why I didn't notice the toolbar.
First, in Full screen mode the toolbar is auto-hidden, and when you see it, the texture is uniform, not leather like 😉
But I agree, the leather texture doesn't look too nice.
And regarding the iCal, that leather imitation / real calendar mimic looks stupid.0 -
Though it won't work with C1, you can easily get rid of leather costume for iCal and Calendar (and many other cool features too;) with this free little utility: http://tweaksapp.com 0 -
Yeah, please remove the texture from the toolbar. Completely useless and the first thing that made me thought "You too, PhaseOne, you too ☹️" 0 -
+1 on the new leather look. Not needed IMO but harmless all the same.
What I really dislike is the new shadow under the tools.... Some eg. hand tool just look wrong and fuzzy. More bothered about this than the leather look.0 -
Can I have:
* Auto Folder update inside CO7 like I have in MP.
* I would like to see all files in my CO7 catalog. Those you can't edit just mark them as such and offer to open them in the default application. psd and movie files.
* Then I would like it if you got rid of the leatherette. It is distracting and frankly a little odd.0
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