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Bit Depth



  • Robert Farhi
    You can't. This is a feature of your camera, not of Capture One.
  • pjglad
    Photoshop displays color space and bit depth. I’m confused.
  • Benjamin Liddle
    You can't natively within Capture One, currently.
  • Robert Farhi
    [quote="pjglad" wrote:
    Photoshop displays color space and bit depth. I’m confused.

    You mean when you open Camera Raw ? Actually, when you open a RAW with Photoshop (or, rather, Adobe Camera RAW), the color space and depth are fixed by the user, at least as far as I know. They can be chosen through the preferences or the "colours" option. But maybe I missed something ?
    And in Capture One, the color space and bit depth are chosen when you output an image.
    Otherwise, the real bit depth of your image is only a feature of your camera. In most recent cameras, it is at least 14 bits.
  • Delwood
    Some very silly answers here. The bit depth is a property of the RAW image file. For example, here is the data from Olympus and Nikon RAW images taken at random:

    exiftool -s 20190530_D7100/D71_11618.NEF
    FileName : D71_11618.NEF
    ImageWidth : 6036
    ImageHeight : 4020
    BitsPerSample : 14
    Compression : Nikon NEF Compressed

    exiftool -s 20190530_PL9/PL9_20190514_0001.ORF
    FileName : PL9_20190514_0001.ORF
    ImageWidth : 4640
    ImageHeight : 3472
    BitsPerSample : 16

    So while CaptureOne is handling the image in 16 bit/channel space, the raw file can vary. In these two examples we see 14 bit and 16 bit per channel. Depending on your camera and settings, it could also be 8 bits/channel.


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