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Version after version and this bug is still there!



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    Would it work to assign the Del key by itself to something harmless?

  • Art Dizamo
    No, it doesn't work. Can't assign anything to Del key.
  • Art Dizamo
    Hitting Delete key will physically DELETE your ORIGINAL FILE even if it is on an external hard-drive WITH NO WARNINGS! This is not good at all! Then you must locate it in some trash folder and move it back yourself. This is really a bad bug.
  • John Doe
    What about undoing?
  • Art Dizamo
    I add a gradient mask to the image, now I change my mind and want to delete it so with the mask selected I hit delete key. My image is gone, black screen, nothing. It is deleted as a file from its original location. All warnings and confirmations are ON and deleting the file is listed as CTRL+DEL in the program menu, manuals, etc. I get no warnings and I didnt press ctrl+del. I only hit delete key to remove the gradient mask (example). Undo does nothing. Just black screen.
  • Art Dizamo
    And the most frustrating thing is that they keep marking it as Issue Solved in tech support cases, when absolutely nothing is solved in this case.
  • Robert Whetton
    Is Delete meant to remove an adjustment layer?
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    [quote="Bobtographer" wrote:
    Is Delete meant to remove an adjustment layer?

    No - you click the minus sign to delete a layer.

  • Art Dizamo
    Delete key is not meant to delete anything, especially not my original files. Ctrl+Delete yes, with a confirmation dialog because I have that enabled in my preferences.
  • SFA
    Working in a session "Delete" moves the file and all its associated files to the session designated Trash file.

    It does this whether the file is previously imported or simply being used from a folder somewhere.

    So, no total delete from the system for me ... but no warning either despite all warning being ON as far as I can tell.

    This is using Win 7.
    C1 9.3 .

  • Robert Whetton
    Under Library if you're working with Sessions you'll see a Trash Folder. Clicking on that will show all deleted files.
  • Homo_erectus
    I just tested this and C1 has always popped up a confirmation window every time I've pressed the delete key.
  • Robert Whetton
    [quote="Homo_erectus" wrote:
    I just tested this and C1 has always popped up a confirmation window every time I've pressed the delete key.

    Are you working with sessions or catalogues?
  • Homo_erectus
  • Richard Allen
    I assume that I'm having the same (almost) problem where I also use Catalogues and if I delete an image it's gone for good; it's not been moved to the Trash folder and it isn't in my Windows 10 Deleted folder.
  • Aliaksei Shaviakou
    I wonder when the P1 team will use the system recycle bin for deleting files.
    Is it so difficult to do?
    I want to notice that there is a pop-up menu when you press your mouse on recycle bin and there is "Capture One - Set as trash folder". But when you choose this option, nothing changes.
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    There was a brief time in about version 4 point something when emptying the Capture One trash moved files to the system recycle/trash, but they changed that again. I think the thinking was that a recycle facility is a sort of half way house to deleting, and there was really no need to have two half way houses, so files could sit in the C1 trash until you were sure you had no further need of them. It would be counterproductive to have to completely delete them a second time from the system trash. But of course you probably don't want them to go to fully deleted all in one go without any half way house.

  • SFA
    [quote="R_Yosha" wrote:
    I wonder when the P1 team will use the system recycle bin for deleting files.
    Is it so difficult to do?
    I want to notice that there is a pop-up menu when you press your mouse on recycle bin and there is "Capture One - Set as trash folder". But when you choose this option, nothing changes.

    I would guess it depends to some extent on what you have previously done with the file.

    For example if it's not a Managed file in a catalogue the original might be shared with other catalogues or sessions or other applications.

    If you have already processed the file in some way (importing or even just accessing the folder for example) there will likely be preview files to manage and potentially edit files (.cos). The edit files may contain multiple versions of adjustments and so deleting one variant edit of the image needs a different approach from deleting the original file and all of its associated files.

    Using Windows there are two intended options for deleting.

    Delete (to the designated trash folder). This is a managed delete with the designated trash folder used as a substitute for the System Trash. If you delete an image that has been edited, subject to the considerations above, the Trash folder will contain the original image and folders that hold the preview files and any edits made. The delete decision is reversible from within C1 should it be necessary. That makes it independent of any system file deletion activity. Some may see that as a good idea.

    Then there is "Delete Permanently" which seems to do exactly as it says. For the standard installation there is not keyboard short cut for that - it's a select from menu option. That seems wise. All associated files will be tidied up at the same time and, of course, the catalogue or session file will be updated too.

    I think the C1 options when clicking on the system trash folder are simple standard options for managing C1 folders rather than managing the functionality of the system trash folder or C1 in relation to the trash folder.

    The idea is that, if you wish to for some reason, you can make a different folder your trash folder. Perhaps use a folder with a different name for example. Given that the system recycle bin has some specialised properties it does perhaps seem a little strange to be offering that functionality at that point but it probably makes sense to do so for some users.

    No doubt the desire to try to retain some commonality to the apparent functionality despite differences in the way that Windows and Mac work will also influence design decisions to some extent.

    I would also guess that, when asked, users come up with a lot of very personal requirements for their precise functional preferences often without considering the broader consequences of their expectations.

  • Art Dizamo
    There are no two ways to look at it. Under File menu and in the manual it says Ctrl+Delete to move file to trash folder, NOT the delete key alone. This should move the photo to trash bin INSIDE Capture one (flag the file for deletion upon emptying the bin inside C1P), NOT the file itself, thats their design and right now it doesn't work, so a bug. And second, in preferences you can place a checkmark on Warn before moving or deleting file, again, it doesn't work. There is nothing to discuss, it needs fixing instead.
  • SFA
    I tend to agree Art .... but when this subject has come up before - often it seems - the loudest group seem to be of the opinion that they know exactly whet the consequences are when hit the delete key and they want the file to be gone from the system.

    They don't want to have use 2 keys or a 2 stage process.

    So what to do?

    Make the UI more complex with another layer of user definable "rules"? All of which add to the development load and testing overhead and the degree of potential confusion for new users?

    It would seem to be the only way to satisfy the community's conflicting "needs".

    Personally I care little since I rarely delete anything.

    Actually that's not entirely true.

    I care that the functionality I know does not get messed up and made fragile by changes that are of no interest to me.

    I care that the resources deployed might be diverted from something that would be of interest to me.

    In that I guess I am no different to everyone else - I just have a different set of "wishes" some of which may be in line with what other wish for and some not.

    The simple solution would be to change the documentation to match the code - or there might be something easier?

  • Art Dizamo
    You "prefer" to press one key instead of 2 keys when it comes to deleting files? What if you hit it by accident? Have you used like any other software? like ever?? Do you know what the function of Delete key is and what is its purpose on the keyboard? Do you know that in CaptureOne, in preferences, there are _8_ warning check boxes for file deletion specifically??? AND MY PHOTOS KEEP GETTING DELETED WITH NO WARNING??! Please explain that if you are in such a mood for typing nonsense.
  • SFA
    [quote="Art Dizamo" wrote:
    You "prefer" to press one key instead of 2 keys when it comes to deleting files? What if you hit it by accident? Have you used like any other software? like ever?? Do you know what the function of Delete key is and what is its purpose on the keyboard? Do you know that in CaptureOne, in preferences, there are _8_ warning check boxes for file deletion specifically??? AND MY PHOTOS KEEP GETTING DELETED WITH NO WARNING??! Please explain that if you are in such a mood for typing nonsense.

    No Art,

    I do not prefer to use a single key click. I completely agree that a safety option should always apply when deleting files as well as a workflow that means an unfortunate file loss is not the end of the world because a backup copy exists. I thought I had made that clear.

    Others, it seems, do not care for multi-key safety and want a single key delete to be available and no interim "Trash" bin.

    I pity the poor software designer who has to try to keep everyone happy or face endless criticism.

  • Richard Allen
    I'd like to jump in here and say that there is a Trash feature in Capture One but for us using Catalogues it isn't 'functional', in that nothing you delete ever get's put in there, it's deleted permanently.

    I, for one, would like to see any images we delete go into the Trash so that, if we have make a mistake, we can get them back.

    After all, if the Trash feature is there and it's not functional what is the point of it?
  • Art Dizamo
    Same point why 8 delete warnings were put in preferences but don't work...

    ..ITS A BUG! FIX IT!
  • Homo_erectus
    Out of curiosity, I've spent a while trying to reproduce the problems you are having on my own systems and I just can't do it.

    I'm wondering if you've got something else going on with your computer that is the ultimate cause of this issue. Maybe a third party piece of software or some screwed up configuration files?

    I'd be happy to suggest some ideas for troubleshooting if you can give us some information about your computer; which OS and which version of C1, whether you use catalogs or sessions, are you tethering to a session?

    I've spent almost an hour testing on both a windows machine and a mac and I can't reproduce anything.
  • Robert Whetton
    can you post a video of you using Capture One and producing the results you're getting? ... Gwod4VwH-g
  • Art Dizamo
    I use the latest version of C1P but this bug has been there from version 8, on Windows 7 Professional + up to date with all updates. I'm always in session mode.
  • Robert Whetton
    if you're in session mode, nothing is actually deleted when you hit the delete button! go to the Library tab and select your session. then you'll see Trash Folder - all your deleted images are inside!
  • Dave R
    [quote="Art Dizamo" wrote:
    I submitted numerous tech support cases and was assured the issue will be looked into and yet another update with this bug front and center, alive and still causing troubles.

    Pressing Del key while editing the image will PHYSICALLY move the file to trash, ALL WARNINGS ENABLED and STILL THIS IS DONE WITH NO CONFIRMATION AND IN COMPLETE SILENCE. Delete is supposed to be Ctrl+Del, plus confirmation! And NO shortcuts are assigned to Del key alone, why is this still happening? Not only is it possible to hit it by accident but working with masks or crops or whatever, I keep hitting Del to delete whatever object I'm on and instead I get a black screen with everything deleted without warnings! WHY??


    I am very puzzled, are you sure you have not disabled warnings in Edit/Preferences/warnings? When I select a picture(s) in my catalogue and hit delete a warning dialogue comes up offering to remove reference or delete completely.
  • Robert Whetton
    [quote="David532" wrote:
    I am very puzzled, are you sure you have not disabled warnings in Edit/Preferences/warnings? When I select a picture(s) in my catalogue and hit delete a warning dialogue comes up offering to remove reference or delete completely.

    He's working with sessions!

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