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Why is capture one 20 not recognizing 5D mark iv raw files



  • Abbott Schindler

    I don't have any issues with C1 20.x reading my 5DIV Raw files. Suggest you send a note to Support, but first:

    First if you've created any recipes, saved workspaces, presets, etc., I'd recommend making a copy of your User/Library/Application Support/Capture One just in case that folder gets deleted.

    Then follow the instructions on the support page for totally uninstalling C1, then reinstall it.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Me neither.

  • cayenne

    Is your version of Capture One the "Pro" version?

    I believe the is the only version that will work with Canon cameras?


    What other cameras do you use C1 for RAW work with?



  • les Russell

    Yes it is the pro version. I use it with a phase one iq3 and the mark iv 5d

  • Rodrigo Ormond

    didi you solve the problem? i just downloaded trial Capture one and doesnt show any raw files no matter what i doo to import. Canon 5d mkiv. The older version i use for tethering in macbook works just fine....thats bad


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