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Formatting of AppleScript code in posts is broken.



  • SFA

    The older posts will have been converted from the previous forum system.

    That may be a factor in what you see.

    It's a User to User forum so all in all it is unlikely that anyone will fix it. Unless the original poster makes an effort to re-post the content - assuming it doe not need an update after 2 years of further developments.

  • Robert Read

    Yes, I understand this is a user to user forum, but, after all, they did create this section to report issues with the new forum, so it seems like somebody might care. It doesn't seem like it, but just in case they should know their migration really messed up many years' worth of posts in the scripting forum.  

    Code in new posts is still not being properly formatted as code, so they are still broken, just not as bad. 


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