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Capture One 21 is here - what new and useful did you find comparing to C1 20 ?



  • Rolf Walter

    Well, was disappointed cause it was slow, laggy and often saw the famous beachball.

    And still using OpenCL.



  • Gabor Szabo

    Looks like the "dehaze" slider is the most expensive software component...

    Honestly, the rest of new features are minor cosmetic changes, and the lack of native Apple M1 support is quite disappointing...

    Let's hope for some new and useful feature in the upcoming minor version updates.

  • Kassur

    Hey Folks - where's your humour? CP1 21 did not crash immediately :-)

    And it's not working slower - that's new! 



    Stay save,


  • ---

    @ kassur, love  it !  

    much money for a bad copy of dxo and adobe dehaze....   I call it the pee filter because it turns every highlight yellow. 

  • nigel turley

    Nothing to see here - the teaser videos they put out were the sum total of the new features. If anyone's reading this who hasn't upgraded - don't bother, save your money and look at some of the other RAW processers on the market. 

  • Sean Breslin

    Initially I was underwhelmed but SpeedEdit is fantastic once you get used to it.

  • ---

    I doubt that speed edit does more than offering just a different form of input control but it´s funny that when c1 reached the milestone of being slower than LR for the first time they add a feature with the word "speed" in it..  anyway more interesting is the ability to adjust a bunch of files simultaneously but here I´m also not sure if the relative adjustment is helpful in real world applications. 

    more interesting in c21 are the new pro standard profiles they not only confirm what I always thought about the old ones, that they are really shitty but the new profile will help user moving from LR to feel more at home.... oh sorry, should not have written that.  


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