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p1c1394_ws03_x64.sys is incompatible driver for Memory Integrity.



  • Jay Gourley

    I haven't used pnputil and don't understand the note "oemXXX.inf need modified number depends on your environment."  Can someone provide more explicit instructions?

  • Colton Waters

    I'm having this issue myself. If you notice in the screenshot, "Published name: oem104.inf". On my system, the name is "oem38.inf". The name of the file varies by system so "oemxxx.inf need modified number" means that you'll need to check your own incompatible driver list above and find the correct "oemXXX.inf" file.


  • Herb Goedecke

    I am getting this Memory Integrity error and am unable to delete it using PowerShell.

    At C:\windows, I type the following: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> pnputil -d oem123.inf

    and I just get red error message.  I am very much a novice in PowerShell so not sure if
    I'm in the right directory or have a syntax error somewhere.

    On my system, the published name is oem123.inf.

    Please advise.


  • Jean-Yves G

    Never got this warning on windows 10.

    After my upgrade to Win 11... Well now I have it!

    Is there any hope for an official answer on this security warning? On the workaround? Pretty please, we are two year in now...

  • Bruno

    J'ai le même problème. Je n'arrive pas à supprimer le pilote car l'accès est refusé "Echec à la suppréssion du package de pilote : Accès refusé".

    Comment faire ?

  • Bruno

    I have the same problem. I can't delete the driver because access is denied "Failed to delete driver package: Access denied".

    How do I do this?


  • Herb Goedecke

    I solved the problem using CMD, following the instructions here:


  • FirstName LastName

    Herb Goedecke

    when I follow your link, I only get an error message: "you're not authorized to access this page" (while I'm logged in into my C1 account). Has the link been changed? 

    Thanks in advance

  • Herb Goedecke

    Sorry but the link seems to be dead.  I can't seem to find it or the instructions to fix this.

  • FirstName LastName

    I now found a solution which worked for me:

    The trick was to start Windows Power Shell as an administrator (before I had already tried, but w/o admin rights, which didn't work). 

  • The V-man

    I tried this, and it did not work. Any more recent workarounds?



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