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C1-21 Catalog Smart Album Keywords Contains Not Working Correctly



  • Michael

    It is working properly for me but it is case sensitive. Could that be it?

  • David Beebe

    No. The case matched the keyword for all of the included words. It doesn’t work when less than all words in the single keyword string are used.

  • SFA


    Is this apparent anomaly something that only happens when used for a Smart Album?

    If you use the same approach for a filter that is not part of a Smart Album definition does it give the same result?

    If you use some other part of the KW as the "contains" search - e.g. Chestnut - what do you get returned from the search?


  • David Beebe

    As a filter, partial keyword entries work even if the case doesn't match. So in this example, "chestnut" or "John" worked. It is only with a Smart Album that I have found this problem. Matching case and full text is required with a "contains" action. 

  • Shane Baker


    As a filter, partial keyword entries work even if the case doesn't match. So in this example, "chestnut" or "John" worked. It is only with a Smart Album that I have found this problem. Matching case and full text is required with a "contains" action. 

    Just in the last few days, I've found this as well. I'm can't be too sure of this, but I thought that previously partial keywords worked with smart albums. (No doubt someone will prove I'm wrong on this. :-) )

    I think I'll lodge a request with C1. I can't imagine too many people prefer having to insert the precise keyword.

    Stay well.




  • SFA

    It's the same in V20.

    Thinking about it, given the nature of an Album concept, especially comparing the "smart" concept with something like a traditional album being a collection of "handpicked" image, I can see some validity in expecting to match some specific criteria rather than a generic and possibly partial search as one might use in a Search.


    There are many situations when a  "contains" match might be fine when the album is first defined but not so useful as time passes and other data records are discovered sharing the same data string for entirely different and unconnected images.


    One might even make a case for saying that a "keyword" approach is not necessarily a great choice for the basis of an "album", given the many usage constraints required by some of the words primary Image Libraries, Getty for example, to create and use specific IPTC fields in quite a controlled way to make them "common" across platforms and people's perhaps rather uncontrolled approach to identification and grouping compared to fully managed and curated operations.

  • Marco Hyman

    There are many situations when a  "contains" match might be fine when the album is first defined but not so useful as time passes and other data records are discovered sharing the same data string for entirely different and unconnected images.

    Beg to differ.  There is "contains" and there is "equals".  The should do different things.  If I'm worried about future additions I can always "equals" instead of "contains".

    Test.  I filtered all images for keyword "contains" "bar".  It only found the images with the keyword "bar".   I changed the "contains" to "equals".   As expected, the same images were found.   Then I changed "equals" back to "contains".   Now Capture One (latest version)  also found images with the keywords "foo bar" and "bar".  I clicked on the "Create Smart Album" button.   The resulting smart album was keywords "contains" "bar" and the images in the album had keywords matching "foo bar" and "bar".

    That smells like a bug, not normal operation.  Changing the match type from A to B and back to A should give the same results for the same match type.  It doesn't always do that.

  • Roger Cuthbert

    I agree here. Changing the smart album filters and then going back yields different selections. Not consistent. I noticed it yesterday. I am currently splitting a catalogue of 120,000 images by year and keyword into smart albums for exporting. Contains demands the full text equivalent. In my opinion that should be equals. As said above.

  • Shane Baker


    I filtered all images for keyword "contains" "bar".  It only found the images with the keyword "bar".   I changed the "contains" to "equals".   As expected, the same images were found.   Then I changed "equals" back to "contains".   Now Capture One (latest version)  also found images with the keywords "foo bar" and "bar".  I clicked on the "Create Smart Album" button.   The resulting smart album was keywords "contains" "bar" and the images in the album had keywords matching "foo bar" and "bar".

    That smells like a bug, not normal operation.

    Agreed about it being a bug - and a new one at that.

    FWIW, switching back and forth between CONTAINS and EQUALS doesn't seem to change anything here.




  • Frank Nichols

    As of I still am having this problem. It can be worked around, but it is a royal PIA. 

    If I create a smart folder (or use the Search in the browser) and enter a partial keyword it will not find anything - ie. "Keyword is Great Blue Heron" and I enter "Blue" and contains. It does not find it. 

    The sequence to get Contains to work for me is as described above.

    First enter the EXACT complete keyword, then select contains - it works
    Then select equals - it works
    Then remove unwanted portions of the keyword (ie. Change "Great Blue Heron" to "Blue") and now it works.

    (Hint: you may need to close the criteria after each change - sometimes, I have not figured out why yet.

    Let's just say there are LOTs of types of birds, and building out a filtered smart folder list to select groups and sub groups is a royal PIA and very none intuitive. 

    I don't care so much about case sensitivity, even those contains being case-insensitive would would be nice, but I really think contains should mean it will find any keyword that contains a partial match. And it should do it the first time. Not after "fiddling"


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