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Improvement for future Capture One Releases



  • OddS.

    > Sanro Thodi: far I can only see ~1MB, which is very frustrating

    I guess you refer to target file format = jpeg. If so, the most likely reason for that state of affairs is called compression. The size reduction factor, or compression ratio, depends heavily on image content.

  • Sanro Thodi

    Yes, I am talking exactly about that. But Photoshop is able to give an exact size before exporting for the web. And even when you are changing the export recipe and the file format it keeps updating the file size, so that you are aware of it before you export it. It would be great to see the same feature on Capture One.

  • Robert Farhi

    It has been asked for a long time ago (by me and others)..... but without any success !

    You would be welcome to submit a "feature request" (top right corner of this page).

  • John Harper

    Yes I have also submitted a request in the past without success. Thats generally the only adjustment I make in Photoshop.

  • ---

    .....and some here still believe submitting feature requests changes something. 

  • billtils

    Would file size be niece to have - yes; does it matter all that much - no.

    I don't find the file size to be an issue - all of the websites I export to have requirements for width and/or height in pixels, not in file size.  If file size is an issue, you can see it in the folder to which the image has been exported and adjust if required.  You don't have to do that very many times before you have a good idea of the jpeg quality setting that will keep the exported image within any specified max file size.


  • Phrank

    @CSP, really? No influencers wanted? Well, I have more faith here than at Apple or Adobe;-)

  • Emile Gregoire

    I requested that a few years ago too. If you have PhotoMechanic, you can use that to compress your exports according to your needed file size limit. It’s a minor hassle; would be great to have within C1.

  • ---

    @phrank.  can you point me to one reasonable user requested  improvement and not just some simple  cosmetic changes  which made it into the software in the last 5 years ?   

  • billtils

    @CSP:  That's not a helpful question - we do not know how many requests make it to support/engineering, nor do we know how many of the ones that do get there are pursued successfully or unsuccessfully.

    There's also the problem that "reasonable" can be someone else's trivial ...


  • ---

    hm, not a helpful question ? not a helpful company is more adequate !  in my view the "request a feature" is pure marketing nothing else.  even massive discussed issue here are ignored. when you look at the resume of the new ceo you understand where they are heading.  

  • billtils

    You clearly think CaptureOne is a lost cause so why do you waste your time and energy to posting here?

  • SFA

    I guess it would be possible to implement a process that aims for a target file size based on a size request.

    Take the requested number, run the process as defined for dimensions and "quality", check the size produced, and then make a decision about tweaking the result to fit within the max (or min?) size requested.

    I would imagine that anything else would require a perpetually processed "trial" output for every active recipe to get anything like an accurate number reported for size and that might be considered a little too much of an overhead for most system configurations based on technology available so far.

    Perhaps that will change in the future at some point?


  • billtils

    Affinity Photo's export function will do what I think Sanro is looking for - see attached screenshot from the Export window: 

    While on the subject of Affinity Photo, anyone interested in a photoshop-level editor that is not Photoshop should take a look at AP's capability (   It's a one time purchase with free updates and is currently on offer at 50% off.  If you want to try it, download the trial version from the Affinity site, not the MAS, as there is a free trial period in the former but not from Apple (or that was the case last time I looked).


  • John Harper

    It can be done in Capture One but it's time consuming.

    I move the final image from Capture One to Photoshop as a jpeg and select the approximate file size I want in Photoshop. (example 2meg)

    The dimensions of the image, I have already determined in Capture One before moving the image file to Photoshop. (example 16x9)

    99% of my work is done this way.

    It would be nice not to have to use Photoshop, but I don't think that will ever happen.




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