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Performance in iMac 24 M1



  • Timo

    Thanks for posting this question as I was just about to do the same. Same Hardware same issue. Previews are set to 5120px. When switching through the pictures it always takes about 1-2 seconds for the preview to be in full resolution. I am a bit disappointed about this. Build is

  • Dave R

    I would be interested to know what screens you are both using. I have no trouble on my M1 Mac mini with a pair of NEC 24” screens and 2560 pixel previews. Mind you that gives me near 100% view on my old Nikon D1h motor racing pictures. 🤔

  • Rafael Jimenez


    Timo in my case the previews size I am using the default value: 2150.

    To Dave, in my case its the iMac 24 inch. I am using the iMac screen .

  • Timo

    On a 24" iMac - I use the screen on an 24" iMac...

  • Timo

    So 4,5K resolution. 

  • Rafael Jimenez

    Yes, the same.

    I have tested Lightroom for example and run very fast. I dont understand what happened in C1. 

  • Bryan Kalms

    In trying to find out why my M1 Mac is slow I opened Activity Monitor and observed what was going on when C1 had the spinning beach ball. This is what I found:

    • All eight processors (performance and efficiency) came to a stop.
    • Processor % dropped to almost 0.
    • Activity Monitor sometimes reported that C1 was not responding.

    Any idea why this might be happening?

    Also, I think there might be a memory leak. Base memory when I open C1 is around 6.5GB of ram. After a few edits it goes up and up. Never seems to release the memory when it completes an edit. And the more edits I do the more I get the spinning ball.

    Let's hope the forthcoming update fixes this problem.

  • Rafael Jimenez

    I have tested:

    - with/without Hardware acceleration for the display.

    - With various profiles for the display (P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, etc)

    - Same issue with raws of various cameras: Sony, Fuji, Canon

    - Regenerating the previews

    Same results.  

  • Jerry C

    I thought Capture One worked well with Metal hardware acceleration on M1 macs. This conversation would indicate the problem is much the same as that reported extensively on the Forum by Intel Mac users who have only OpenCL. For me, this was not a problem in versions before Capture One supported Metal. Then, preview size made little difference in the speed of previews and the display of changes when moving sliders. It looks as if the changes made to enhance display acceleration has had the opposite effect. We will have to wait for the next dot update to see if this issue has been acknowledged and addressed. 

  • Timo

    Honestly, this is kind of frustrating. I really do not want to complain all the time but somehow I am a bit tired of C1 performance. I made the switch because I really think the picture quality results are stunning. But from the beginning the performance was always an issue. This even forced my decision to buy a brand new M1 iMac. I thought by this, the performance issues will be all gone. Especially as so many people said, that C1 is not that demanding in case of CPU/GPU. I just checked the lastest Version of LR - and this is running very fast. Will anyone from C1 give a statement on this? Sorry, now I complained again...


  • Rafael Jimenez

    LR y PS runs very very fast. I check this with the evaluation license. Fantastic performance. But the ways that LR woks with previews its different that C1.

    About C1: I read a couple of weeks ago that the performance issues comes with C1 21 version. Version 20, for example, runs very good.

    I don't know if this is true

  • Liam James

    I have also getting really poor performance on an M1 iMac (16GB RAM, 8-core GPU model). I think one of the contributing factors may be a pretty severe memory leak. After I use C1 21 (latest) for about an hour I get the following message and have to close and then reopen C1:

  • Rafael Jimenez

    I guess that C1 worked very fast to support M1 native (race with Adobe). Its supports but several details doesn't work fine. 

  • Kaveh Vaghefi

    I will echo that these sound like the same issues as on the Intel side.  C1P support continues to point the finger at my use of an LG 5k Display in scaled mode, but I'm using a 16" MacBook Pro with an AMD5600M GPU to drive it (and it's literally the most powerful GPU Apple has ever put in a macbook).  Support still suggested I get an eGPU!  No!  This machine color grades 4k HDR video in Final Cut Pro and plays it back in real time while hardly breaking a sweat.  I don't see how it has so much trouble keeping up with a 50mp RAW static image.  It certainly seems like a Capture One issue, especially since the Adobe suite of products doesn't exhibit this issue either.

    I'm barely using half the available VRAM, and I don't see C1P scratching the surface in either CPU or GPU usage, yet lags and delays are a normal thing when dragging sliders around or Undo/Redoing.

  • photo by FA

    Support is joke, seriously worse one I’ve ever come across. Their motto is “first blame the hardware”

    I have the performance issue since V9 on my back then top line iMac with the highest ever spec. They said my GPU wasn’t good while you could edit 4K videos live on FCP. So that rubbish mentality.

    and if you look at the recommended specs, for 5K screens they recommend 2 GPU with 16 GB Ram on them, I mean wtf 

  • Rafael Jimenez

    Text copied from C1 web page:

    "4k / 5k monitors 
    Due to the significant additional calculation overhead, systems using 4k/5k monitors will require additional resources in addition to the above-recommended spec (both in GPU and CPU power). For professional experience, we recommend at least doubling the specification above for these configurations. "

  • Kaveh Vaghefi

    @rafael A decently speced 16" Macbook Pro satisfies these requirements:

    • Intel CPU with 4+ cores

    There are 8 with hyperthreading

    • 16+ GB of RAM


    • Solid State Disk (SSD)

    The newest SSDs in these macs are among the fastest on the market today.

    • NVIDIA or AMD with 8GB+ RAM 

    AMD Radeon Pro 5600M 8GB (which according to iStat Menus is only utilizing half the available VRAM)

    • Calibrated monitor with at least 1920x1200, 24-bit resolution at 96dpi

    LG Ultrafine 5k


    All that and support still tells me I should get an eGPU...for what?  How are all the other apps running so well on this hardware (and lesser hardware) and C1P still does not?  I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that line of reasoning.  If Capture One starts sending emails out for pre-orders of the next version again (like they did with 21) without addressing issues like this, I'll begin trialing a move to Lightroom or something else.  The pre-order was a mistake I won't be repeating.


    I say this, and I don't mean to sound like I'm just sh*tposting about C1P. I really liked this software and opted to move to it after Aperture's demise, but it's also pretty expensive and I don't like that they've spent the better part of a year not addressing (or even acknowledging) core performance issues around C1P in a version they asked everyone to pre-order.  Even going through proper support channels, the best I got (after several rounds of back-and-forth) is I should try an eGPU.  No.

  • Rafael Jimenez

    Kaveh you are right. I have the iMac M1 with 16gb and I suffer this issues. The software is great, but things like this make me think about subscribing again or moving to Lightroom.

  • Bryan Kalms

    Notwithstanding these issues, I am starting to think that part of the problem here is the M1 itself. I get the spinning ball when I am not using C1. Maybe it's because I have an external hard drive attached; maybe it's just the limited (16GB) of RAM. It would be nice if C1 actually provided some detailed information on the performance we should expect with the M1 and when we should expect—or not—the spinning ball. Not holding my breath, though.

  • jradamsjr

    I am not as technically savvy as you folks, but for what it is worth: I have been running C1 on a 13” M1 MacBook Pro w/16 gig & 1TB  for few months now w/ no problems. Just bought 24” M1 iMac w/ same exact specs, and installed C1 last night. Started having memory issues immediately! Got the warning that running out of both physical & virtual memory. Had to shut down other apps to do anything. I did have C1 catalog on an external drive (porting it over to new iMac), for whatever that is worth. Obviously different monitor than MacBook…this sucks. I will keep watching this post. New to photography and after a year of LR switched over to C1 and just getting comfortable with it. Sounds like I may need to go back to LR which would be frustrating as hell. :-(

  • Aron Lengyel

    Same here. I just switched from a 3-year old Windows 10 laptop (ThinkPad P51 Mobile Workstation) to an M1 iMac (8-core CPU/8-core GPU/16GB/1TB) and the performance of Capture One 21 Fujifilm (Build 59ce59f) is rather disappointing (Preview Image Size set to 5120px). Switching between files takes a few, and at times several seconds. Same when zooming in to 100%. This needs to be fixed. Thanks. (FYI: The iMac's display resolution is set to "Default for display".)

  • Robert Łysakowski

    I am on MB Air M1 8GB RAM and running the latest CO21 version. I switched from Dell XPS I7/16GB.

    So far experience has been pretty frustrating, as others were pointing out, moving sliders introduces a noticeable and irritating delay in image refresh. It's a pity. I started using the product in version 11 and I was very happy with results it was giving me, perhaps except of DAM part (which is pretty buggy IMHO and not very reliable). With regret I am switching over to LR which, as overall package, is far more convenient, including integrations with various services (like SMUGMUG i.e.), not mentioning the ability to cull photos on any device.

    LR runs on M1 Mac much faster, it slows down only after a long editing sessions and it's accounted to memory consumption. LR restart fixes it instantly which I can not say about CO.

    BTW - I am watching CO learning sessions with Paul Reiffer who's using Mac Pro with 192GB and two graphic cards and everything runs smooth :-)

  • Dave R

    Coming from a very powerful Windows laptop my initial impression of CO running on a bottom of the range M1 Mac mini was very favourable indeed.  Compared with Windows startup is far faster and some operations are very slick.  However I have become very frustrated lately by the very slow response of any operation that requires a full size pre-view.  For instance when using the Loupe tool to check sharpness on a screenful of thumbnails you are soon waiting a measurable number of seconds before a true 100% rendering of the small area covered by the loupe is visible.  In fact it is just as quick (slow!) to use the viewer at 100%.  Now I am sure the fact that my RAW masters are on a Samsung T7 external drive plugged into one of the 2 Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports rather than the Mini's on chip storage does not help but a 50MB RAW file should transfer from the T7 in something less than a tenth of a second.

    I am now in something of a quandary,  do I move to a top of the range current M1 Mac mini, wait for the rumoured "Pro" version of the Mac mini with M1X processor and buy the top of the range version of that or go back to Windows. 

    By the way I did have Lightroom on the Mac mini but have taken it off for the present because of the amount of background programs that Adobe install on the machine which I am sure slows it down.


  • Permanently deleted user


    I was facing the same problem. CO is running flawless on my MB Air M1 and is lagging on my new iMac 24".
    The only action that helps, is to set and run CO to low resolution. So I guess it is a problem of the 4,5K resolution.
    By the way: I got 0 feedback from CO support...very poor service!

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Mac or Windows, it seems to be the same since years (remembering posts in this C1 or the previous P1 forum): C1 cannot run fast on hi-res monitors, unless you'd utilize a supercomputer suitable to run weather forecast simulation programs or calculate bitcoins. C1 was late in the Apple silicon game, they are late in the 4k game too.

    My Windows desktop computer hardware crashed (need new mainboard and CPU) and I was wondering if this is the right time to switch to Apple M1 platform, but it seems either Apple or C1 or both have still some way to go...

  • Steve Babb

    Has this been resolved for anyone? For me, everything is fast, with the sliders and editing but moving between images, I have to wait for the low res blurred to be replaced. it is as if it makes a new preview every time.

  • Kaveh Vaghefi

    I was having the same issues on my Intel Mac.  Ever since I got an M1 Max MBP, C1P has been performant again, even on my LG ultrafine 5k monitor.

  • charles morisset

    I'm trying the demo version of C1 22 on a 16GB 2TB iMac and also find a lag of about 0.5 sec to 1 sec between slider input and preview update when playing with exposure and high dynamic range sliders.  What makes it faster is to move the slider to each extremities and let it update the preview for each.  Once this is done, moving the slider provides faster updates. The raw files are from a Canon 7D (18 mpix) so the file size is not the problem here.  The SSD has 80% free space so also not an issue.  The other sliders feel very responsive, it really is only those 2.  

    By opposition, the similar adjustments in Apple Photos or Adobe LR offer no lag whatsoever, it fells instantaneous.  DXO seems to sit in between.  I've closed all apps with no noticeable improvements.  I'm very found of C1 and am leaning towards it to replace Aperture for me, that is after trying out LR and DXO, but the speed factor mentioned above is a deal breaker to me.  Hardware acceleration is set to auto by default.  I have preview image size default setting of 2560 px.  

    As for the memory leak and memory warning mentioned by others previously, I did not experience it with C1 but did get it with DXO as well, so this may be an Apple issue.  

    Shall we conclude that despite claiming to be optimized for M1 Mac, C1 22 is not quite there yet and others have arguably done a better job at it?   This is sad cause C1 is a real gem.

  • Mark Astle

    Nothin to do with the hardware, it's been doing this for years on all kinds of setups. It started a few years back with one of the big updates, it's been reported multiple times, but still no progress. Frustrating as hell.


  • Chelaru Ionut

    Is still doing it. Is funny if I close all my apps it work slower to update the image when I move the sliders compared to when I have a YouTube tab and music at the same time. Also the mask preview is horrible slow and the rotation takes ages to do something. The auto rotate is faster but most of the time misses the mark for me. M1, 16gb of memory 512gb ssd and the mac studios display, no changes to the preview. And I am waiting for the z9 hief support.


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