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Images not Appearing on Folder Structure in my Library



  • SFA

    Is this by any chance the Mac specific option to turn on or off the entire folder hierarchy display?

  • Fernando Leao

    Marco got it right. Synchronize made it all appear again. Thanks!

    Gustavo, yeah, I know that's how they think about tools to help us to organize, but I use both and would prefer to keep it this way.
    SFA, no, all other folders were working alright.

  • Marco Hyman

    I'd probably right-click on the folder and try "Synchronize..." from the context menu.  Make sure "Include subfolders" is checked.

  • Gustavo Ferlizi

    I've been away for years, but if I remember correctly, that's exactly how it's designed to work. Forget about your folder structure, and just use filters.


    Or try sessions instead.

  • Gustavo Ferlizi

    Oh, good. Something must have been improved.

  • Caroline

    I have this problem but Synchronize and Locate do not work. No Filters selected? Any other thoughts?


  • Barbara Cook

    I have the same problem with Mac. Sometimes changing catalogs helps. Synchronise and locate doesn't work.


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