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Where is theCapture One customer support link? Am I dumb or what?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Top right of this page there is a link for Submit a request.


  • Carlo Lavatori

    Ok, I am dumb!

    Thank you


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Not that dumb - they could make it easier to find!


  • SFA

    Things you should know before submitting a request to Customer/Technical Support – Capture One

    This article is linked on the "Community" landing Page and the the main Resources page of the Website has a link for "Support"  (at the bottom of a long page when scrolled down) that takes people to the Landing Page.

    The community pages have the Submit a request link at the top of every page.

    FAQ articles, etc. have the link at the bottom of every article.

    So there are plenty of places to find the links but for some reason they do not stand out and no message (such as this one for example) seems to exist to grab a user's attention early on in their "How do I contact Support" Process. 

    I'm sure many more people would find it easier to discover the path if it stood out a little more.

    That said, and having experience of Technical Support delivery from the point of view of service provider, making it easy will almost increase the level of activity for every sort of question, no matter how simple, and does not necessarily lead to greater customer satisfaction. 

    Companies around the world in all sort of businesses have adopted applications like Zendesk (and many of them use Zendesk) in order to develop a self-help offering that is intended to be more effective in terms of both providing access to answers in a timely fashion AND offering greater cost-effectiveness to both consumer and service provider.

    Whether such systems are naturally successful may still be debatable.

    My impression is that they may work well in situations where specific products with naturally defined operational scope acts as an information containment package for each product and the user interface is business to business with the expectation of trained and somewhat experienced operatives using the interfaces.

    In a more open environment, without the strictest controls limiting the scope of problems that may arise or questions that may be asked, they may still be successful in fulfilling the majority of support needs  (or at least aiding them) but may not be as successful overall as they can be in a controlled and constrained environment.

    The challenges are significant when attempting to enhance a support service by making a self-service solution and trying to persuade those needing support that they should embrace it.

    It gets much harder when the users are also exposed to external influences (notably things like operating system updates and random hardware configuration choices) over which the supporting organization has no control and, possibly, no experience to enable guidance to be offered.


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