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DJI Mavic 3 DNG Files



  • Gareth Byrne

    That works for me. Thanks Ed! Not ideal and hopefully will be resolved soon

  • Ed Catlett

    Really thanks everybody. I had tried most of this but needed the exact non caps version that had me stymied.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I opened a ticket at the support. Maybe more tickets helps more 🙄

  • Blaya Nelly

    Catastrophe !

    Ce matin mise à jour 01.00.0400 du mavic 3,

    Impossible de lire les Dng même avec Camera Raw de Photoshop

    Je downgrade le drone


  • Permanently deleted user

    I also updated a few days ago and had no problems reading DNG with Photoshop. Just the problem, that the drone goes unintended up and down.

  • Blaya Nelly


    suite à la mise à jour du drone, changer le cponstructeur dans les exifs ne suffit plus, il faut faire comme Stefan Maziejewski : convertir le Dng en Dng avec Adobe Converter puis changer la balise fabricant avec un éditeur d'exifs.

    Ça marche mais ce n'est pas pratique !

    Il est urgent que Capture One fasse quelque chose !

    Pour ma part je retourne chez Adobe, je n'aime pas ça mais je n'ai pas le choix !

  • Permanently deleted user

    Bonjour Blaya Nelly,

    with actual (and also the older) firmware, it works directly with Photos Exif Editor. You can change the Manufacture Tag and write all DNG as a batch to another directory. That works without the long way over DNG converter from Adobe.

    4.99 in App Store...

    Still not satisfying, but may be a workaround until C1 gets an update.

  • Blaya Nelly

    Oui sous Mac, mais pas sous Windows apparemment sauf si je trouve un autre éditeur...

  • Michael Kehl

    the dng files of the Mavic 2 contains also "Hasselblad" and C1 open it with no problem at all

  • Permanently deleted user

    Mavic 2 has DJI as Gerätehersteller Tag (Maker?) not Hasselblad. Mavic 3 has Hasselblad there as Tag. Only this has to be changed. That is the difference.

  • hollywoodstills

    Glad I found this posting -- but this is a crazy work around -- just saying.  Spend 50k on a camera, buy the software so you get all cameras -- and the lens is making C1 not be able to read or process a drone.  Should not be this much of trouble in today's world.  



  • Permanently deleted user

    C1 is able to process DNG from Mavic 3 Pro since a few month. So no workaround needed anymore...

  • hollywoodstills

    Hi Stefan -- maybe need to update.  My DJI cine file DNG's don't.  Will report back.  Are you on C122 then?  I'm on last version of C121

  • Permanently deleted user

    Yes C1 22 newest version. I do not have the cine version, but I guess, it is V21 wich will not properly read that DNG. You could use the demo version for trying it out :-)


  • hollywoodstills

    You are right -- couple hundred dollars later -- ugg -- solved the problem.  C1 22!


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