DJI Mavic 3 DNG Files
Can't edit .DNG files from new Mavic 3 drone. Adobe sees them perfectly
That works for me. Thanks Ed! Not ideal and hopefully will be resolved soon
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Really thanks everybody. I had tried most of this but needed the exact non caps version that had me stymied.
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I opened a ticket at the support. Maybe more tickets helps more 🙄
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Catastrophe !
Ce matin mise à jour 01.00.0400 du mavic 3,
Impossible de lire les Dng même avec Camera Raw de Photoshop
Je downgrade le drone
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I also updated a few days ago and had no problems reading DNG with Photoshop. Just the problem, that the drone goes unintended up and down.
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suite à la mise à jour du drone, changer le cponstructeur dans les exifs ne suffit plus, il faut faire comme Stefan Maziejewski : convertir le Dng en Dng avec Adobe Converter puis changer la balise fabricant avec un éditeur d'exifs.
Ça marche mais ce n'est pas pratique !
Il est urgent que Capture One fasse quelque chose !
Pour ma part je retourne chez Adobe, je n'aime pas ça mais je n'ai pas le choix !
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Bonjour Blaya Nelly,
with actual (and also the older) firmware, it works directly with Photos Exif Editor. You can change the Manufacture Tag and write all DNG as a batch to another directory. That works without the long way over DNG converter from Adobe.
4.99 in App Store...
Still not satisfying, but may be a workaround until C1 gets an update.
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Oui sous Mac, mais pas sous Windows apparemment sauf si je trouve un autre éditeur...
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the dng files of the Mavic 2 contains also "Hasselblad" and C1 open it with no problem at all
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Mavic 2 has DJI as Gerätehersteller Tag (Maker?) not Hasselblad. Mavic 3 has Hasselblad there as Tag. Only this has to be changed. That is the difference.
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Glad I found this posting -- but this is a crazy work around -- just saying. Spend 50k on a camera, buy the software so you get all cameras -- and the lens is making C1 not be able to read or process a drone. Should not be this much of trouble in today's world.
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C1 is able to process DNG from Mavic 3 Pro since a few month. So no workaround needed anymore...
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Hi Stefan -- maybe need to update. My DJI cine file DNG's don't. Will report back. Are you on C122 then? I'm on last version of C121
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Yes C1 22 newest version. I do not have the cine version, but I guess, it is V21 wich will not properly read that DNG. You could use the demo version for trying it out :-)
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You are right -- couple hundred dollars later -- ugg -- solved the problem. C1 22!
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