Capture One Express
Tried to install the Express Free and it will only load the trial dont want that as I am a newbie and just want to start with basic RAW
Firstly it may be worth pointing out that you have posted this in the Enterprise version section of the forum and as the forum is mostly a User to User facility this section does not seem to see much traffic so responses may be few.
Did you get an activation code at some point?
If you have a Trial activation code you should be able to activate the download (after installation) in any mode you wish to trial.
I assume that you are aware that the Express versions are limited to their individual camera models. That constraint is also controlled by the activation key (License key) when using a non-trial key. However, if you have downloaded as a trial you should be able to choose which configuration to try.
If your installation is already activated in a "full" mode you can de-activate it and then re-start Capture One and choose a different mode, when prompted, to activate once again.
If the trial has expired you can obtain an activation code for your chosen Express version.
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