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it's not tomorrow, it's the day after tomorrow



  • SFA

    Surely it depends on where you are in the world related to the local time at which the release will be made available?

  • AntolĂ­n Agar

    I may be wrong but it seems to me that if there are 27 hours left, wherever you are, more than one day is missing.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    Surely it depends on where you are in the world related to the local time at which the release will be made available?

    Errr...  no - "tomorrow" can never be 27 hours away. Unless you're on a planet with 28 hour days...

  • Propheticus

    Ever considered it might not count down to midnight, but perhaps the release is later in the day like noon or 1pm?

    If I announce today at 9am that I am releasing something tomorrow at noon that's 27hours away.

    (also note C1 headquarters are in Denmark, calculating with timezones is always tricky)

  • SFA


    Hit the right Time Zone Dateline line and one could conceivably be half in one day and half in the next.

    But in reality it may have been better to avoid using the word "tomorrow" along with the countdown "clock".

  • AntolĂ­n Agar

    I think we all have a point.

    It has been a fun thread that can help us look forward to the gift with HDR that Saint Nicholas brings us ahead of time.


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