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C1 V22 not upgrading V21 catalog



  • Stephen Waddington

    I have the same problem with my Fujifilm license copy; no option to upgrade, no previews and same message when opening a file. 

  • SFA


    How are you opening your V21 catalog?

  • John Kubler

    Yes. Usually C1 is converting the previous catalog, but did not receive any notifications.

  • Steve Babb

    Not sure it helps, but when I installed 22, it opened with a new catalogue of test images. I just then chose to open my master catalogue and it opened fine. I don't think it even did an upgrade. It didn't ask anyway and opened instantly.

  • Kevin Wick

    It is still using the same engine as in v21 so it may not need to update as it has in the past. I think could be very wrong.

  • John Kubler

    Well, I spent some time reviewing my catalogs. 

    1. I agree with Steve and Kevin that V21 and V22 use the same engine, therefore I should not need to upgrade my catalogs.

    2. I deleted all older catalogs in my Catalog folder, only retained the newest ones which I used with V21.

    Everything works, the files are loading correctly, except I can't back up my catalog files, I do not ave the authority. This happened previously and I need to research this again, has to do something with MAC OS.


    Thanks for all the suggestions.

  • Kosta Tsakal

    Do you see your existing layers from 21 version correctly. In mine they are missing


  • John Kubler

    No, I did not experience any layer related issues with this release.


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