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reset white balance for all photos in catalog (after wonky LrCat import)



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Select the images, ensure that Edit all selected is enabled

    , then reset the WB in the WB tool:


    Try this with a few or a few hundred images first, because if you do this, the previews will be regenerated. Not sure you want this for 70k images at the same time.

  • woefi

    Thanks, this worked.

    Anyways, I realise I would have to re-develop all my old photos, as there are so many things CaptureOne is not able to reinterpret. So I wait and hope for 15.1 or 15.2... (...17.4?)

    In the mean time I use the features where C1 is superior to Lr (Advanced Color Editor, masks, layers) to selectively improve only the most important of my older photos.

    And, of course, all the new ones.

  • Robert Farhi


    This what I did when I shifted from Lightroom to Capture One : I didn't re-develop all my pictures, of course, but only the ones which were worth to be. And it was a pleasure to rediscover some of my best photos with the C1 interpretation, which is far better IMHO.

  • Abbott Schindler

    That's what I did as well; way too much work to redevelop everything, and it really makes sense to only work on what you'll need going forward.

    The important thing, though, is that C1 probably won't every properly interpret all LR (or PS or Affinity Photo, etc.) adjustments because everyone uses different algorithms. I think there's info in the documentation as to which adjustments C1 imports, and they're pretty limited (Crop and metadata may be all).

    Therefore waiting for is for C1 to fully interpret your other-program edits is time that you could instead be using C1, so go for whatever version of C1 makes sense from a feature standpoint rather than an interchangeability one.

    One thing I did when moving from Apple Aperture years ago—and knowing that C1 wouldn't interpret my Aperture adjustments—was to export TIFF versions of my most important images, along with Raw for everything. What I've found since is that C1's results are so far superior to Aperture that I've gone back and deleted the old TIFFs and just re-edited in Capture One.


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