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Nikon Z9 support




  • Official comment
    Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Jeremy,  

    Thank you for your post.

    I have sent your request to support high-efficiency RAW files for Nikon Z9 to our Product Management team as something to consider in a future release.

    Hopefully, your feedback contributes toward a future version of Capture One.
    Whilst we cannot comment on future releases, we take all suggestions on board.

  • FirstName LastName

    I also find it very weak. Also with 15.2 no support for High Efficiency files of the Nikon Z9. Why can Adobe it with LR?

  • Doug Willoughby

    Okay, this is getting really troubling. I get Lightroom for "free" (with creative cloud subscription) and yet I pay yearly for CaptureOne. I'm beginning to feel like a fool. I'm using software that not only crashes at least every hour but doesn't fully support my camera. What the heck am I paying for?

    Support for HE* is essential for sport and motorsport photographers (I'm one of those). We need support for this file format. Support of HE* isn't optional when you shoot thousands of frames on a gig.

    It may be time to consider switching to a proper professional image processing tool.

  • Ed Baak

    Surely the Capture One team will understand that the Nikon Z9 isn't yet another amateur camera that can be considered for lossy RAW support 'some time in the future'. Please assume that you haven't seen hundreds of requests yet is because every C1 + Z9 user will have assumed that this was at the top of C1s priority list.

    So, please do the honourable thing, and give clarity when this is planned on the roadmap. Is it a month, 6 months, a year? 

  • FirstName LastName

    An official statement from CO after 4 months, that's quite an achievement. I have been a CO user for 6 months. If I had known how bad the support for the Z9 is, I would have saved the 330 € and looked for a software manufacturer that takes the concerns of its customers seriously. Absolute NoGo dear team from CO. Btw .. LR works.

  • David Cohen de Lara

    Any news on this?

    It’s unbelievable to me that full support for a professional flagship camera is something that users need to _request _ before Capture One implements it, and even more unbelievable that we’re not given any sort of timeline on when we can expect them to catch up.

    Please do better.

  • Doug Willoughby

    With this last comment, the thread has sunk to Twitter lows. 

    Anyway, it pains me to say this but I think it is time to move back to Lightroom. For me. it really comes down to economics and long term viability.

    • I'm paying for Lightroom (because I need Photoshop) but not using it. I'm also paying for CaptureOne and getting a fraction of the value of Lightroom + Photoshop. So, if I decide to give up one, it won't be Adobe.
    • Comparing the functionality of Lightroom mobile to CaptureOne mobile, Lightroom mobile is a mature, fully functional offering. CaptureOne is, well, Beta. What this says to me is that either CaptureOne doesn't consider mobile important or they don't have the resources to address this platform. (Just my option, you are welcome to yours.) Adobe has the deeper pockets to keep up, maybe not so much for CaptureOne.

    I've been using CaptureOne as my only raw processing software since 2018, and it will be painful to transition back. I realize that in addition to the two points above, I decided to move to CaptureOne for emotional reasons: because Adobe felt like a big, opaque company that could care less about its users. Adobe may well be that, but with their position on Z9 support, CaptureOne feels like a big opaque company also

    Anyway, I don't blame anyone...everyone is doing their best to provide a product that meets their market. CaptureOne just isn't doing it for me anymore.

    Very sad about this...

  • Ed Baak

    I would have liked to see a reply come from C1. And they are still quiet. THAT is the problem I am trying to address.

    The fact that C1 has a long-standing policy doesn't mean it's the right one, and it doesn't mean they can't review that policy or deviate from it when needed. Yes I appreciate that evil Nikon has made the utter selfish decision to chose a new file format and that this is a nuisance for Capture one and every other photo tool creator. At the same time, as cameras grow in resolution and files grow in size, the introduction of a new high quality compression algorithm is a great addition to any camera, and maybe others will follow suit - because it makes sense. So from that perspective I would have expected C1 to jump onto supporting this new file format, not because it's on the Z9 but because it's the first camera in potentially a very long line of high resolution cameras from all brands that will use it.

    And you're right, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Lossless works very well for me, and I need to take a lot of images before my disk is filled up, but on the other hand, C1 isn't that great or that special that I can't switch to Adobe either. So you are right, it isn't a big deal, except for C1 if they don't want to loose customers. I can even appreciate that it may be technically complex, or that there will have to be a financial negotiation between C1 and the codec manufacturer. I could even imagine I'd have to pay extra to get that feature enabled, and I'd be fine with that.

    You are also right that the Z9 isn't special, well except of course for the people that own one. I would expect C1 to give the same excellent support to owners of a top spec Sony, Canon, Hasselblad or anything else. See where I am getting at? I am perfectly aware that C1 need to manage their finite engineering resources and cannot immediately respond to every new friggin camera model that hits the market. But when a good one arrives do we have to beg for their support? Really?

    But anyway, I am pretty certain this is going to turn into a pointless long discussion where we at the end have to agree to disagree. So unless someone comes back with some useful comments, I'll give this a rest.

  • David Cohen de Lara

    Ok everybody settle down.

    Keith R, I understand this it’s their policy not to comment. I just didn’t know it was their policy to not support any and all RAW files form flagship professional cameras (well apart from when they didn’t support competitors’ MF cameras I guess).

    This is not some kind of ‘nice to have’ feature suggestion. In that light I think the prudent thing to do would be to 1) fast track support to have it available months ago and 2) break policy and at the very least confirm that this is being fast tracked.

    And yes I realize it’s new file format. But Nikon needs wide software support for it in Peter to sell these cameras, so I’m sure they will provide the necessary data for C1 to implement it. This can’t be rocket science.

  • Griffalo

    The release of Capture One Pro 22 did not include support for Nikon High Efficiency Star (aka  High Efficiency*). This is a shame. Please add support for it as soon as possible.   

  • Bram Willems

    Yes, please support Nikon High Efficiency Star! This would be awesome. I understand that Lightroom can do this already. Greets!


  • Ed Baak

    Agreed. The total lack of transparency is utterly astonishing. 

    Dear C1 team, I don't care how much new features you add to Capture One. I don't care how much new video's you make showcasing all your new goodies. Unless you give clarity about the Z9 support roadmap and unless you eventually support Z9 completely I WILL WALK AWAY from Capture One.

  • Philippe BOIS

    merci Ed Baak,

    David et keith, J'aimerais aussi vous parler du suivi des profils optiques des Nikkor F et Z qui devient inexistant depuis 1an.

    il n'y a pas qu'un conflit avec ce nouveau format mais avec avec Nikon en général.

    Merci de résoudre cela rapidement pour le bien des clients de C1

  • Ed Baak

    Hello fabulous C1 team. The Z9 has been on the market now for a year and yet we are still lacking support for the Z9's compressed file modes. I appreciate that the C1 engineering team has a finite capacity and is prioritising their development team to develop high value functionality but I would also like to remind every reader that you are using PAYING customers' subscription fees to finance those development efforts. I would like to make it clear that the whole iPAD launch is of zero value to me and hence you have been using mine and probably a lot of Z9 customers subscription fees for purposes that are not in line with our needs. I also would like to highlight that the Z9 compression algorithm is a solved problem. All you need to do is get in touch with the IntoPIX team and get their library included in C1. This is not rocket science. It's a solved problem. In case you are worried about the extra license fees you'd have to pay to IntoPIX, the manufacturer of ticoRAW, I have no problem to pay extra for that, equally to how I pay extra to get HeliconFocus. The other possibility obviously is that the whole RED suing Nikon excitement is making the whole industry scared and taking a backseat until the matter is resolved. If that's the case, I'd even understand that (a little bit), but again, I am sure that your legal department would be able to find the appropriate wording to convey that message to their customer base so that we can all understand why C1 is so severely lacking in supporting a professional camera and a fantastic feature of that camera. So until I hear a proper explanation, I have to assume that C1 doesn't care at all about implementing support for camera's whether that is a Nikon, Canon or Sony and is just using the fees paid by existing customers to do whatever they like.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Come on, Ed. There's no need for a rant. As you know about ticoRAW and IntoPIX, you clearly know that all software manufacturers have been labouring under the difficulty of IntoPIX only very recently releasing an SDK. For example, ON1 have only been able to provide support in their new 2023 version released in the last week. It is laughable to suggest that Capture One don't care enough to provide support - it is surely inconceivable that they would not bother to povide as full support as possible for one of the leading cameras of the moment. I have no inside information, but I will be most surprised if Capture One doesn't provide support for the High Effiicency files very soon.


  • Ed Baak

    Well Ian, that explanation, but coming from C1, would have been completely satisfactory. 

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    Can none of you people read? Capture One was very clear about not pre-announcing updates:

    Whilst we cannot comment on future releases, we take all suggestions on board.

    Second post on this very thread:

    and it has always - always - been Capture One policy.

    There's nothing so special about you or the Z 9 that they should feel any obligation to deviate from long-standing policy.

     I WILL WALK AWAY from Capture One

    Not the tragedy you seem to think it is...

    Please do better.

    Blame Nikon for using a proprietary, closed file format. DxO PhotoLab is stuck too. 


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