Tethering with Sony Alpha 7 M 4 in C1/22
Hi, my new Sony Alpha 7 M4 is not recognized by C1/22, so thethering is not possible.
Theringer with Sony Imaging Edge software works, that means camera connection with PC is ok.
can anybody help?
Thank you, Uwe
i've got the same problem. Have You found any solution for that?
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Bis jetzt keine Lösung. Ich habe über meinen Händler Sony kontaktiert, aber noch keine Antwort bekommen.
Gruß, Uwe
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traurig.. Wenn hab ich eine Losung gefinden, hier einer Antwort schreibe zu werden.
Gruss, Michael
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Unless the Sony camera models numbers have become completely confusing (always possible I suppose) the A7 M IV has been supported since the release of C1 V22.
So the ARW files should be recognised and tethering support should be possible when using the appropriate connection mode.
Which license do you have for Capture One V22? (Sony specific or Pro for all cameras)?
Is Tethering enabled for Sony in the Preferences settings related to the "Capture" tab?
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Ich habe Captureone Pro 22. Tethering für Sony ist aktiviert. Ich habe verschieden Kabel und verschiedene USB Slots probiert - kein Erfolg!
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I believe the Sony has several different settings that can be used to connect the camera to a computer. If the computer sees the camera as a "Storage device" that would prevent Capture One connecting as a fully tethered camera.
In the past it was also necessary to remove any memory cards (partly to stop cameras from being identified as storage devices by the computer!). Some recent cameras have connection modes that allow the memory cards to be left in the camera. I have no knowledge about the A7 M4 in that regard. It may have a mode that allows use with the cards in but you would need to specify the correct connection mode when setting up for tethering.
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Hi I have the same problem as Uwe's even on 8/30/2022.
Anyone got a solution for this problem?
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