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live view overlay smaller than in the viewer



  • Arno Hoogwerf

    Same problem here. And because I do a lot of packshots in which I use the overlay to align them while shooting, it's worthless and unbelievable that it's stopped working after the last update. Is there a way to downgrade to 15.1?

  • theodosis georgiadis

    i do allot of packaging too and now i cannot work. can we have some feedback from capture one helpdesk?

  • IT-Support HelloFresh

    Same problem here! Only solution I found it is working with a second screen, I don't understad why the scale of the overlay it's working correctly in this situation but no in the main scream. I would appreciate a fast solution about it!! 

  • Sergey Alexandrov

    The same! And it's awful

  • Wouter Weststrate

    Is there a solution to this problem? Experiencing this after the most recent update..

  • theodosis georgiadis

    did you try the 22 (15.3) ?

    is the problem still there?

  • Wouter Weststrate

    The problem started with the latest update. I just downgraded to version 20 (13.1) That seems to work.

  • theodosis georgiadis

    latest update you mean 22 (15.3) or 22 (15.2)?


  • Wouter Weststrate


  • Arian Camilleri

    Same problem here. Just upgraded to Capture One 15.3 hoping this would be fixed by now. I use the overlay for eComm and need this feature to work or the program is useless.


  • Matthew Schulert

    Same problem! I use overlays all day long, and I cannot have them separate. I even use a separate screen, as one use above said and that is not helping. has anyone found a workaround yet? i'm in - this is my first shoot after upgrading

  • Arian Camilleri

    I submitted a customer service request with a detailed description of the problem along with a screenshot of how it looks when in use. I recommend everyone on this thread doing the same. Even though it has been 6 days and they haven't responded. Maybe if enough of us bring this problem up they will take notice and fix it sooner than later.

  • theodosis georgiadis

    thats a good idea


  • Mark Franzen

    Hi - I just upgraded to and am now experiencing the same issue. Has anybody found a resolution?


  • Ryan Ball

    Same issue here. Start of ok, but then when you click away from the live view window it shrinks the overlay. Very frustrating. I haven't been able to work out what's causing it. Has anyone found a fix?


  • Ryan Ball

    So after testing some different scenarios it seems to only do this on my macbook pro m1 screen. If I connect an external monitor the issue only persists on the macbook screen. On the external screen the overlay works as expected in live view. 

    I also mirrored my macbook screen via apple tv to another external screen and that also corrected the overlay view. It is worth noting that in this mode the resolution of my macbook changes to match the external screen. 

    So it seems to be that when the macbook pro is being used to display the live view window in it's native resolution the issue persists. But not when mirrored to an external device/monitor. 

    Has anyone noticed this issue on an external monitor? or Imac? 

  • Wouter Weststrate

    @ryan Ball, I've got the issue with a 4K BenQ screen attached to my MB pro. A nearby studio is experiencing the same issue on an Imac.

    Submitted a request as Arian Camiliri suggested..

  • Wouter Weststrate

    I just received a response from Capture One


    Hi Wouter,
    Thanks for contacting us, this is a known bug that our R&D engineers are working on to fix. I will place your ticket on-hold and will get back to you once we have a response from our engineers or if we need any more information regarding this report.
    We cannot guarantee that this bug will be fixed in the next service release, but rest assured that it has been reported and will be looked into, and our developers will do their best to roll out a fix as soon as possible.
    I keep you posted.

    Best Regards,

    Marian Simó
    Technical Support Agent

  • Ryan Ball

    Hi Wouter thanks for the update, that's good they are aware of it. Kinda a deal breaker if they can't fix this bug quickly. 

  • Arian Camilleri

    @Wouter Weststrate, I'm glad that you got a response, even though I submitted two requests no one has responded to me at all! Can you share a link to where you made your request?

  • Wouter Weststrate

    Hi Arian, can’t share the private ticket I made. The helpdesk is located in Ukraine.. probably the reason for the pour communication (understandable).

  • Arian Camilleri

    Hey Wouter. Sorry for the confusion. I wasn't asking for your private ticket. I was wondering how you contacted them. Through the website? Through the app? Like I stated before I reached out to them and got no response but you seemed to get a reply. Just wondering if there is a better way to get to them directly like you did. If you can share to this thread a link or how you reached Capture One for comments that would be helpful. That way we can all reach out in the same way and hopefully get them to fix this issue.

  • theodosis georgiadis

    hello. i sent to the helpdesk 4months ago and got the same reply

    they ll inform the engineers and they cannot guarantee 


    not happy at all.

  • Wouter Weststrate

    Capture one is out now, with a bug fix!!



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