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Capture One Catalog



  • Mrs. Ridley

    I was planning to use the NAS for all back-ups (Capture One files and original images) but the original question above raises a good question I had not considered. I am new to Capture One and trying to figure out the best way to store and back-up the original images in a way that Capture One can find them later. At the moment my images are "in catalog" to avoid the off-line issues I was encountering when I tried to reorganize how the raw images were saved on my hard drive. But I have not been able to figure out how to back up these "in catalog" images (when backing up a catalog the warning clearly says it is not backing up images). I am trying to work through the image storage issue before I have an unwieldy number of photos. At the moment I am sufficiently confused that I don't want to take anymore photos until I get this figured out. Not sure where to get help. Any ideas/direction would be much appreciated. 

  • Mrs. Ridley

    EtMRS - Thanks for your earlier post regarding Session versus catalog and photo manager app. I'll give it a try.


  • Deirdre Ryan

    I'm having similar issues and no one has been able to help me. What NAS did you go with? I'm at my wits end here LOL


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