C1 21 Capturing mouse clicks on thumbnail images, then triggering a menu command.
I have a workflow problem, that has been through official support requests, but was unable to be resolved. I'm hoping a scripting solution (or perhaps some third party macro app) might exist to fix it.
I use a twin window/display setup, with the browser on one screen, the viewer on the other. The problem is that when selecting a thumbnail in the browser, although the viewer then shows the image, the menu commands (and keyboard shortcuts) for View > Customise Viewer (command) ie zoom controls, don't apply to the viewer window, unless you manually click the viewer window first.
This seems to be a fundamental architectural problem with the application - because you're clicking the thumbnail in the browser window, the View commands are being routed to the browser window, where they have no relevance / effect.
Currently I have to mouse back and forth between displays, when all I want to do is just click a thumbnail with the mouse, hit a key to zoom to 100%, pan around on the image with my trackpad, hit a key to zoom back out, then click a different thumbnail with the mouse. This problem is breaking a nice ergonomic system with mouse under one hand, keyboard and trackpad under the other.
Is there a way C1 could have a persistent background script that captures mouse clicks on thumbnails in the browser window, and then passes them through with the addition of a keyboard shortcut immediately after to make the viewer window active?
If someone knows it can be done, I'm happy to talk fees for doing so.
Yeah the main viewer is not the same responder as the 2nd window based viewer. It's a bit of a cludge when shortcuts are needed.
Not sure about capturing clicks, but the alternative could be (I need to check the functions to be sure) to make a few zoom functions into single scripts designed to call the 2nd viewer, and then have these shortcut instead of the defaults.
Alternatively focus the viewer, and use ⌘+ arrow to move to variants in the browser.
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Thanks - I think I might have found a solution (fingers crossed), using Keyboard Maestro to create a C1-specific macro that fires off the shortcuts in sequence for switch-to-viewer, then zoom-to-fit, and binding that macro to the key I currently use for the zoom-to-fit command. C1 doesn't seem to get flustered by the switch-to-viewer command being activated when you're already in the viewer, as far as I can tell.
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Just to update - Keyboard Maestro is the solution, and would seem to be a solution for any keyboard shortcut that has to be sent to a specific window when in dual-screen mode.
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