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Bring Back Telephone Support



  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    I've been waiting for weeks for a ticket that I submitted and really a phone call would've been easier, and faster.

    And more expensive, and at odds with the way the world is moving. If there's insufficient resource to deal with your ticket quickly, you can be sure there aren't enough staff around to run a telephone helpline - but a ticket-based approach allows Capture One to control and target its resources in a way which is completely denied them if they're at the beck and call of constantly-ringing phones.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Considering that it often takes more than a month to get a written reply to a support request, telephone support doesn't really seem realistic. An improvement of technical support would be very welcome though.

  • Deirdre Ryan

    I understand the reasoning, however i have an outstanding ticket that's been active since March of this year. THAT is ridiculous. 

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I know, it's hopeless. I have open tickets that are older than that. And I've seen no indication that C1 cares about it in any way.

  • Kevin Robbins

    It's my understanding that C1 technical support was being run out of Ukraine and since the beginning of March, there's been a bit of a war in Ukraine.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    It was the same before the invasion of Ukraine, so I doubt that that has anything to do with it.


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