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Color issues when opening DNG



  • Daniel Kenny

    I also just tried downgrading to Capture One and creating a new catalog to test. However, the issue was still present with the DNG's produced by DXOPureRaw and ON1 NoNoise AI.

  • FirstName LastName

    Installed new release 15.1.3.  

    Created a new session.  Imported the DNGs that had been converted in both DXO PureRaw and Topaz DenoiseAI.  they still all look green in Capture One.  so frustrating 

    And yes - i did try reprocessing them before importing (all though it makes no sense that this would do anything... capture one doesn't have anything to do with the RAW>DNG processing flow of DXO or Topaz)


  • FirstName LastName

    it's clear to me that all they have done in this release, is that DNGs brought in from outside now have CaptureOne NR settings at 0 (for Luminance and Color).  instead of 50

    I do have to say this DOES basically solve the issue.  Although with previous versions you could use C1 NR at 50 on top of whatever other NR processing you did on the DNGs.   It's helpful to have both external NR and also be able to apply C1's NR.   However, if you do this, you get the green cast.

    That being said, I guess this is a workable solution.  The image has a significant amount of NR applied and the colors are fairly true in the processed DNG



  • Peter Schäfer

    Wow, yes, with this setting is working with new imported DNGs from Topaz Denoise. How did you find out to look into this section?

  • Daniel Kenny

    Okidoki, I've done a full test with the latest version and my problem remains.

    See following pictures for original unedited CR2 (from my Canon 7dii) vs. DXOPureraw and ON1 NoNoise AI.


    1.) Original unedited CR2, exported in Capture One:

    2.) CR2 Opened as DNG in DXOPureRaw 2.0.2 (Canon 7dii profile applied - no sharpening/optical corrections, round trip through Capture One as DNG):

    Note how it's slightly over-exposed.

    3.) CR2 Opened as DNG in ON1 NoNoise AI Plugin (2022) (medium noise reduction settings, round trip through Capture One as DNG):



    Luma curves of each (in order):

    1.) Original:

    2.) DXO PureRAW:

    3.) ON1 NoNoise AI:


    So...... any insights into all of this? I'm at a loss!

  • Treve Willis

    I have a similar issue with Capture one 22 pro, build, but its not consistent - it only happens with DNG files generated by Topaz denoise, but not always - sometimes there isn't any difference; sometimes a very green hue all over, and recently a complete dulling of colours for a whole a series of photos of Swallows - their red patches looked quite bright red when I open the files initially (and also in the off camera jpegs) but as it renders them the colour is almost completely drained away and nothing I do  recovers it - dropping the noise settings to 0 in C1 from their default setting of 50 solves the problem - I am using RAW files from an Olympus EM1mkii - so I have now set that as the default import setting for DNGs


  • Norbert Sipos

    I reported the issue to the Capture One folks years ago.  Nothing has happened.  There are always the same problems described here.  It's a shame, but I have to put the program on hold in my workflow and if they can't fix it, give up.

  • TonyB

    Hi Folks.

    I'm pleased I've found this thread; I have exactly the same problem. I am on version 22, build 15.4.2. At least I know I'm not alone!

    I am processing raw files directly into Topaz Sharpen Ai and exporting as DNGs. I have encountered the same green and purple colour changes (too strong to be called casts). Exporting the files from C1 into Topaz as the usual TIFs and reimporting them, show no colour changes from the raws.

    The suggested solution some have found helpful, of reducing noise reduction sliders to zero, has no effect.

    I have tried exporting as TIFs and PNGs. Both create images that differ in colour from the original raw images, but nowhere near as bad as DNGs. They can be colour processed. The PNG files are smaller than either DNG or TIF files. PNG and TIF files look similar in colour.

    It is possible to export from Topaz as TIF files with a choice of colour spaces. Whatever I choose, the colour results are the same.

    Of course different images with different colour ranges will present differently. If time permits, I will try to create a Style using colour calibration patches, but that's for another day.

    There are workarounds, but the situation is wholly unsatisfactory and a disappointment. If there are updates of which I should be aware, perhaps you can add to this thread.

    Thanks for reading.

  • FirstName LastName

    Hi Tony B - unfortunately even with version 23 ( this issue still exists with the Topaz Photo AI suite although they seem to have fixed it for DxO (by setting the Noise Reduction Color slider to 0)


  • TonyB

    Thank you for the update.
    I find it beyond remarkable that they cannot debug the application to handle a universally accepted file format. Words fail me! This is such a serious omission. Does anyone from the company ever read these posts?



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