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Be able to adjust the size of the tool windows



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You can choose between three options for the size of the Library tool, like this.


    You get this menu by clicking the ... by the title of the Library tool. (A similar set of options applies for some other tools too.)


  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    While the three available sizes are better than no choice, you often end up wasting space even with the most appropriate of the three.

    An improvement of Auto Size so that it was more responsive to the content of the tool in question and didn't leave large areas of blank space could perhaps solve this issue.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Yes, I agree, Auto does often use more space than it needs.


  • David Lewis

    The Auto Size doesn't actually adjust the size of the window, so I don't know what it does. The difference between each of the size options is 6 lines. Adjusting the size of the windows would allow users to use the space to the best of their needs.

    One of the things here is that a number of fields are now all very different sizes than they were before, some much large, some smaller and these 3 sizes just do not work for all of them. This was a change for the sake of making a change not for functional improvements.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    This was a change for the sake of making a change not for functional improvements.

    Was it a change at all? I think we have had all three options for some time now. (Or is it newly added to the Library tool?)


  • David Lewis

    The multiple window sizes have been changed and some have 3 size options and others do not. The size options now provided don't make sense for many of the fields.




  • Dre

    Manual would be a nice option!


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