Crop doesn't stay locked (15.3.0)
Previously once a cropping ratio was selected, it stayed that way. Now it returns to 'Original' if an image with a different cropping ratio is selected.
There has been quite a lot of discussion on this change, if you look back in the forums. The idea is that Capture One respects the existing crop ratio on an image instead of retaining what you last used on a different image. It's a change that a lot of users asked for, but it does require getting used to a slightly different way of working. If you have a whole bunch of images that you would like to have the same crop ratio, you can select them all, then change the crop ratio using the drop down list in the crop tool in the toolbar to change to the one you want. So for instance you could choose Square, and all the selected images would then behave as it Square were their existing ratio.,
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Just wondering if there are beta testers? ... so this kind of thing is actually tested and found before I naively update. I'm irritated with myself that i didnt delay ...
It was also pretty shocking to not be able to open anything until I deleted the existing cropping directory ... luckily i found that solution after an hour or so of digging around.
I'm noticing the sort order changing without my change. It seems related to selecting a filter.
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Well that's an issue i think is a pain also ... but i was used to that. Now the crop changes on it's own.
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Ian Wilson explains the change and personally if I have applied a crop to an image I certainly want that crop selected when I select the crop tool, and not the crop I used on another image.
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I think both options have their own usecases. But why not implement this as a user configurable option then?
Especially when it is not possible to add a keyboard shortcut to a ascpect ratio, this is for me annoying. (although I will get used to it eventually)
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In other tools the user can set a default that fits for him. A user default setting for the crop tool could be in the settings menu where also the other defaults for the crop tool are. There could be a drop down menu with "unconstrained" and so on. This could be the default for images that have no corp so far. Like images that are new imported.
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I actually love the way the tool itself applies a crop to an image now. I could never figure why the old crop tool worked the way it worked, so it's GREAT NOW ... EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. Allow me to LOCK the "SELECTION of the TOOL" so that when I actively use it, it WILL BE USED in THAT CROP and not be switched back to the "default". That seems simple to me, yet when I really think a little deeper, I realize that it's easy to mix up the various definitions of what's wanted.
I've stayed away from the forum for a few years and instead used AUTOHOTKEY scripting on my PC to resolve most issues for myself. (like a simple one-key shortcut to retouch in photoshop. SIMPLE with autohotkey. Why they can't add the "edit" choice to the available changeable shortcuts I don't understand, but I don't want to argue anymore ... I just fixed it myself lol.) I could mostly resolve this with a hotkey ... which means I'll have to script a hotkey to select my goto crop and then add that keystroke everytime I decide to crop something since the crop will never be what I selected in the menu until I select it in the menu and by then it's too late, because I had to the menu system to select a different crop everytime I want a different crop.
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