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Settings for Crop Tool not persistent since update much worse then before



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter


    (1) You can change all 200 images to "unconstrained" in about 2 seconds. (a) select them all (b) choose unconstrained from the crop menu on the toolbar. 

    (2) Personally I was happy with the crop tool as it was. But I recall over the years many times seeing users complain here and elsewhere that the crop tool was terrible. I think they wanted it to work like Photoshop or Lightroom. (I find the PS/LR crop tool maddening, but each to their own.) However, I do quite like the way that now Capture One remembers the crop ratio on a per image basis. I have been caught out several times in the past by it wanting to use the crop from the last image I worked on. And they have already announced that they will further change it in a 15.3.1 release to give users the choice of which way they want it to work.

    (3) Sorry, I can't help with the Sony A1 issue. But asking "what the hell are you doing in your office" won't help - this is a forum of your fellow Capture One users, not of Capture One support staff. Have you tried submitting a support case using the Submit a Request link at the top right of this page. (And the likely answer to what the support staff is doing in their office is dodging Russian bombs and bullets since they are based in Ukraine. Be kind to them!)


  • Preben Bruus

    I have seen in the last Livestreams ( 23/6 ) that CP1 already planning to make it possible to switch between the old Crop-settings and the new one....probably already in the next update.

    Great respons from CP1 crew...tank's ! 

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Alex: whoever came up with this idea was responding to user demand! David Grover said in a webinar the other day that is was one of the top 5 rmost requested changes from users. (But also that in a service release soon they will refine it further so that you get a choice as to which way it works.)


  • alex tuma

    OK. Sorry. Could not understand that someone actually needs this function. That the crop is set to original for every picture? If someone has to crop a lot of different images  with different sections, it becomes insane. Hope that one introduces it to be able to adjust it as one needs it.

  • alex tuma

    I can remember years ago, at a demonstration, users expressed the wish that the copy past function should be a 2 copy past function, so to speak, so that 2 different settings could be used quickly. eg. if you have flashed and non-flashed images and thereby accelerated workflow... only something like that was never implemented. but a function that resets my settings is being introduced... for what reason have I had a setting option for years, which then suddenly resets each time. Apart from that, I noticed that with many raw (sorted by date) the first three edited images suddenly appear at the end of the image list? I assume this is a bug and not a new feature :-)


  • Alexander Herzig

    I have found a workaround for the crop tool bug. This is not very convienient but better then nothing. The old behaver of the unconstrained aspect ratio come back with the following settings:

    Select one picture and set unconstrained in the corp tool. In the ##### x ##### field set left 1 and hit enter. Then set right of the x also 1 and hit enter. Because this numbers are unvalid the numbers going back to default. Then mark all Images und copy this on all Images. The old behaver ist now back. All Images have the unconstrained aspect ratio and the images have no cropp. So it is possible to make a new crop from every point in the Picture like befor the update.


  • Alexander Herzig

    Hallo! Ich habe eine Möglichkeit gefunden das alte Verhalten des Crop Tools wieder zu bekommen. Es ist ein Provisorium und ich hoffe die Captuere One Entwickler beheben den Crop Tool Bug so bald wie möglich. Ein Update soll die Funktionalität erhöhen oder erhalten und nicht verschlechtern. Jetzt zu den Einstellungen:

    Erst ein Bild markieren. Dann im Cop Tool auf unbeschränkt (unconstrained) stellen. Im Numernfeld darunter (##### x #####) links vom x 1 eintragen und Enter drücken. Dann rechts vom x auch 1 eintragen und Enter drücken. Da die eingegebenen Zahlen ungültig sind geht die Anzeige auf default zurück. Dann alle Bilder auswählen (strg+a) und mit dem Pfeilbutton im Corop Tool die aktuellen Einstellungen auf alle Bilder kopieren. Alle ausgewählten Bilder haben jetzt das Seitenverhältnis "Unbeschränkt" und die Bilder haben keinen Zuschnitt. So kann man einen neuen Ausschnitt mit dem Croptool machen ausgehend von jeder belibigen Stelle im Bild. Genau wie vor dem Update.

    Gruß Alexander


  • cs

    I complained about this cropping problem in another thread, but now that I've used it a few days, I actually like the way it works EXCEPT for one thing.  Just give me a little checkbox that tells capture one that whenever I ACTUALLY select an image and switch to the crop tool and start to move and edge or corner of that tool, the CROP applied will be the one I've selected and LOCKED.  I think the confusion has to do with the difference between respecting an existing crop and when to change?

  • alex tuma

    @alexander herzig. es geht auch alle bilder markieren und dann auf unbeschränkt zu klicken. das hatte mir der support geschrieben. ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben das dies ein topwunsch der user war...hast du das auch wenn du mehrere raw has und nach datum sortiert und du bearbeitest einige, das dann drei bearbeitet dann ganz nach unten rutschen?


  • Permanently deleted user

    I'm also annoyed with the new crop settings. That, along with a compulsory over-crop when the lens correction is applied, creates such a spanner in the workflow.

    A simple shift-hold would have been an easy fix to switch from original to unconstrained. The sooner they make the change the better!

  • Preben Bruus

    I am also disapointed over that default now is Original.

    At least it should be possible to choose the default aspect ratio for your own preferences.

    Preben Bruus 

  • alex tuma

    I hate the new attitude. Please put it back. I now need for my workflow, almost twice as long. It's a joke that it jumps to the original with every picture...whoever came up with this idea probably doesn't work with Capture one every day

  • Alexander Herzig

    Ian Wilson: But the users demand not to destroy former funktionality. The new funktion should be aditional. And I think this is not to hard to do. Other tools support already user defined defaults. It is not nice to cut half the users importent tool funktionality. There must be a way to avoid this. A update is supposed to get the usability forward and not backward. The developer team should fix this bug as soon as possible.


  • Svato Straka

    For me it would be sufficient if the crop tool remembered its latest state and won't default to Original when advancing onto next image. As mentioned, my editing time almost doubled, I shoot wider and first thing I do to most of the images is crop+rotate. I just want to press C, draw my crop, rotate it as I was able to do in 15.2.2. The tool remembered its state there, if I changed it to fixed ratio, it continued with that setting. Exactly what I'd expect.

  • Alexander Herzig

    Hallo alex tuma: Danke für den Tip. Auch bei mir kommt es in der neuen Version vor, dass während des Bearbeitens die Sortierung der Bilder sich plötzlich ändert von Datum auf manuel und die gerade bearbeiteten Bilder ganz unten landen. Wie andere Nutzer das auch berichtet haben. Ebenso habe ich auch erlebt, dass das Löschen von der Festplatte beim leeren des Papierkorbes nicht funktioniert. Also Fehler über Fehler. Das Problem mit der Methode von Ian zum umstellen aller Bilder auf unbeschränktes Seitenverhältnis ist, dass die Bilder dann alle bereits einen Auswahlrahmen haben der so groß ist wie das Bild. Deshalb kann ich dann nicht wie gewohnt innen im Bild anfangen einen Auswahlrahmen diagonal zu ziehen. Wenn ich das versuche verschiebe ich den ganzen ausgewählten Bereich der so groß ist wie das Bild selbst. Das funktioniert natürlich nicht. Ich muss dann an den Rändern anfangen und verliere den Ausschnitt den ich mir mit dem Handtool hingezoomt habe bevor ich das Croptool aufrufe. Anstatt dass ich mit einer Bewegung diagonal innerhalb des Bildes anfangen kann den Auswahlrahmen zu ziehen muss ich von den Ränder her anfangen und habe so zwei oder drei Bewegungen mehr bis ich den Ausschnitt habe. Mit der gewohnten Methode habe ich das in einer einzigen Bewegung. Deshalb ist der Workaround von Ion für mich nicht ausreichend. Trotzdem danke für den Tip.

    Gruß Alexander

  • Jeff LaMarche

    This was an absolutely user-hostile change. Just how many requests is "the most requested"? What percentage of your user base? Did you do any surveys or user studies to see if this is really what your user base wanted, and not just something a small percentage of people feel very strongly about?

    I mean, you quietly change a fundamental behavior of the tool in a way that increases the time it takes for many people to do an extraordinarily common task, and don't provide a way to revert to the original behavior? And then explain it in a webinar that likely a tiny percentage of your users will ever watch? I guess we could go back to the previous release, but if we've already upgraded our photo library, is that even an option?

    This is one of the first times a C1 update has made me irate... I mean, I'm so freaking mad about the way this was done, I don't even have words. Bugs, in a release, I can accept, but pulling the rug out from your users with no warning and no way to get the rug back until "a future release" is absolutely inexcusable.

  • Peter Schatz

    I work with CPO many years now with my perfect configuration. I changed from PS and Camera Raw to CPO. The want to tell me, that now, after so many years, suddenly most user want the change the crop to original as default??? LOL

    And there is no option to stay on unconstraned? Why not as it keeps the last selection. Drunken IT worker......

    I went back to Camera Raw now, till CPO change it. I cannot work in a workflow with maybe 200 travel images and I allway have to change the crop. They make me crazy!!

    The next thing is, that i cannot work with CPO 15.3 after the sony A1 firmware update since three weeks. Camera Raw works from the first moment. What the hell are you doing in your office?

  • ernst.w

    @alex tuma

    > ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben das dies ein topwunsch der user war

    Es war auch ein dringender Wunsch von mir. Es ist eben immer eine Frage der eigenen Anforderung, nicht jeder arbeitet gleich. Ich muss u.a. große Archive, die gut 25 Jahre zurückreichen, verwalten und bei Bedarf Bilder neu anliefern. Meist im selben Seitenverhältnis, aber manchmal mit engerem Bildschnitt. Mir macht die alte Methode großen Mehraufwand (~1/2 Stunde täglich). Die neue kann ich aber wegen der mönströsen Zahl an neuen Bugs in der V22, 15.3, leider derzeit nicht einsetzen. Überdies kann bei mir derzeit gar nicht mehr gestartet werden (bekannter JPEGmini-Error).

    Ich schreibe ohnehin gerade an einer Review...

  • ernst.w

    @Ian Wilson

    >  I think they wanted it to work like Photoshop or Lightroom.

    I think, that it is a matter of requirements regarding to one's special work. See my posting above.

    Kind regards Ernst

  • Permanently deleted user

    I hate it. I've had jobs for the last few days where I have to crop almost all of the pictures individually. and there are many hundreds of images that need to be processed quickly ... not somewhere in the studio where I have all the time in the world. it drives you crazy when it keeps bouncing back. I don't understand the meaning behind it. why can't a setting remain and has to go through a reset after each picture? if I need it on original why not just tick it and it stays there as long as you need it? like before the update?


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Yes, my comment about Photoshop or Lightroom was more about complaints about cropping over the years, rather than this latest issue. The thing that I find confusing in LR and PS is that you start to pull out a crop by dragging on the frame, but if you want to adjust it you then have to drag the image rather than the frame - the opposite of what you do in Capture One where you drag the frame. So people coming from LR / PS are frustrated that Capture One doesn't do it the LR / PS way, whereas I am frustrated when I try LR / PS that it doesn't work the Capture One way. Both ways work, of course, but it's a matter of preferring what you are used to.

    So I am not arguing with your point above. We can hope that the further change they have promised will make more users happy!


  • Paul Slot

    Ian, your proposed solution (selecting all images and then selecting 'unconstraind' in the cropping tool) works just fine! Thanks for the tip. I do have to change my workflow, but this is a very doable and simple solution. I still hope they get an option to choose back soon, though. And, changing one's workflow isn't always a bad thing.


  • Alexander Herzig

    Paul Slot: For me Ian Wilson's tip does not work very well. Afterwards all images have a crop selection. Then I have to press the shift key every time I want to crop. And when I accidental not drag enough it goes back to the default aspect ratio "original". That is still very time consuming and annoying. I rather use what I have found for me. I enter 1 left and right in the pixel dimension Field. (##### x #####) And hit enter. Then I copy that on all Images. All Images have then the "unconstrained" aspect ratio and there is no crop selection. That is not convenient but alt least I can like before in the version 15.2.2 just begin the corp at any point of the Image and draw diagonal. One movement and I am done with the crop. This I use only for new imported images that have no corp so far. It is no solution at all. It needs to be fixed from the development team.

    For me it is not a question if I can do it. The question is: Is it better or not. And that I can not use unconstrained corp without trouble any more. That is clear worse then before. I expect no changes to the worse when I make a update. That is a no go.

  • Jeremy Bacon

    I'm a bit late to the party having only upgraded to version a couple of days ago, but may I add my comment to the general 'grumpiness' expressed here about the change in the settings for the Crop Tool.

    I very rarely wish to carry over one crop size to another image, or set a specific crop ratio unless the image is going for printing. I like to 'freehand' the crop on virtually every image independently. In the past I have been able to select 'Unconstrained' and from then on for each image all I need to do is to press C for cropping followed by R for straightening.

    Thanks to Ian for the tip about selecting all the images and choosing 'Unconstrained', but as commented by Paul I tend to find it only too easy for the setting to default back to 'Original'.

    The situation now is tedious and irritating. I echo the comment by Jeff that this is the first times a C1 update has left me feeling annoyed and frustrated.  Let's hope it gets a fix soon.


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I think that this discussion has now been overtaken by events - see the release notes for 15.3.1. 



  • Jeff LaMarche

    I love this company. I've never seen a large software company respond so quickly to feedback. Kudos!

  • Jeremy Bacon

    Good news about the fast response from C1.  Impressed!  I wonder how soon we will see version 15.3.1 becoming available?

  • Carl Hogstedt

    Lets hope the new update comes out really soon because this was possibly the worst function change ever. At least give us user the choice of having the good old crop that doesnt change every time you select a new image.

    Also the automatic cropping just because you change the aspect ratio. Please let me do the first crop.



    Then to add a suggestion to the crop tool. Say you have a page layout of 4x5. Can there be a function that when you try to crop horizontal it would automatically make the crop 8x5. as that would be double page crop.

    Would love if that option was available.


    Otherwise C1 is a pretty darn great program. Thanks!

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    @Carl - did you see the comment I made in this thread 3 months ago? The update to 15.3.1 (and we are now on 15.4.0) did make that option available. Choose global aspect ratio in the options shown in this screenshot to go back to the "old" crop ratio behaviour. That sorts out one of the things you mention, at any rate.

  • Carl Hogstedt

    Hello Ian Wilson

    Thanks for writing me.

    Crop tool is still not, in any way, as good as it was before. Can we please have the option to choose if we want the new crop tool or the previous way.

    All my photographer and digi tech friends are all complaining about this


    Thanks for listening

    Very best



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