Help :) Style to new Adjustments Layer??
Hey guys! hope you can help :) I've been really going round in circles trying to get this working. I would really appreciate if you could copy and paste a working script if anyone can figure it out. Basically I want to apply a Custom Style to a New Adjustments layer and not to the background layer. hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
For example:
I have a custom style called: BlueNote
I would like to create and apple script to add that to a new layer with an opacity say set to 75%.
Then I can create a keyboard shortcut to trigger it at will.
Let me know if this is even possible. I'm quite new to this but I have had and extensive play around with out much success, apart from getting the Style to load onto the background layer.
Thank you kindly
One of the required arguments for the apply style command is a layer, though AppleScript can be a little obtuse in how you can select objects. If the layer already exists you can get a reference to it like so
set theLayer to layer named "Adjustment Layer 1" of primary variant
And then use that as the layer in the command
apply style theLayer named "Your Style"
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Hey Emory,
Thank you for your input. I'm still a bit lost however.
would you mind copying an entire code that should work. I'm very new to all this and believe I'm missing a few key steps.
not sure how it all is supposed to read together. I've tried for several hours to implement it correctly to be honest.
I'm guessing I need to create a new layer first? then select it the apply the adjustment to it but everything I try isn't working. I've obviously replaced "you style" with my style name etc.
I would copy the code that I've been working on here but its all a bit of a mess to be honest. I've been borrowing code from other posts and trying to compile something that finally works.
Appreciate you input greatly.
Best regards
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