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Re-ordering Layers



  • Propheticus

    Yes, I see the same. It often does not re-order as shown in the guide but rather selects another layer and selects the name for editing.

    I did find a way to make it work: click a layer and hold, then first drag the mouse straight to the left a bit and you see a dotted square symbol on the mouse pointer. Only now move up or down.
    It's pretty sensitive and fails if you go diagonally left+up. So really horizontal left first and then up/down...

    Add it to the list of quirks.

  • Okular

    Solved now with Update v15.4.2

  • Bruno Calado

    I'm facing the same problem.
    Not possible to rearrange layer hierarchy since last Capture One update (
    I'm using an Intuos 4, so that mouse trick did not worked.

  • John Kane

    Thank you for the help Propheticus. It works for me after a little practice :)

    Many thanks, John


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I wonder whether this is specifically a Windows issue? It seems to work OK for me on a Mac.


  • Uwe Lindner

    Same for me. I put in a ticket. Nothing happend so far.

    And thanks to Propheticus: Works for me after a little practice. You can move the mouse to either left or right. Quite fiddly.

  • FirstName LastName

    Thanks Propheticus. 

    I was actually hoping the inability to move layers was a sign that C1 was going to add blend modes, but then I realized blend modes also require 2 pixel layers :(

  • Okular

    Same for me. I put in a ticket. Nothing happend so far.

    Same issue here under Windows. Made a ticket, too and received this response:

    This is a known bug that our R&D engineers are working on to fix. I will place your ticket on-hold and will get back to you once we have a response from our engineers or if we need any more information regarding this report.
    We cannot guarantee that this bug will be fixed in the next service release, but rest assured that it has been reported and will be looked into, and our developers will do their best to roll out a fix as soon as possible.

  • John Kane

    Yay! Fixed in v15.3.3 :)


  • Uwe Lindner

    I received this message from Capture One Support today:

    Hi Uwe,

    The latest version of our software, Capture One 22 (15.3.3), is now available for download. Your reported issue has been fixed in this new release.

    The issue is fixed!

  • Propheticus

    Yes fixed, but the order is still not saved. After restarting C1 the layers are back in their original order.

  • Uwe Lindner

    Unfortunately Propheticus is right. The order of the layers is not saved. I reported this issue to Capture One Support and they re-opend the ticket (or created a new one, whatsoever).

    @Propheticus: You wrote "the order is still not saved". I was quite convinced that the order was saved in 15.3.1 after having been changed with the workaround you provided but I'm not sure about that.

  • Okular

    Unfortunately, I also have to confirm this and have reopened my ticket accordingly. This is followed by questions about how, what, when, where and logs and a screen recording. One really wonders what they are doing there and why they don't notice such things?
    Is this only a problem under Windows or does this bug also exist in the Mac version? 

  • Propheticus

    @Uwe, nope it was already an issue in the previous version. The order not being saved is not new.

  • Uwe Lindner

    @Ocular: The Mac version is not affected.

    It's really surprising that such a bug can get through. And there are some other bugs in the Windows version. Seems like Windows users are falling behind at the moment.

  • Okular

    Had a short test and it seems the bug happens only in a catalog, in a session it has worked and the new layer position stayed after C1 restart.

    Btw, they gave me a dropzone uplink to your request for uploading of logs and screen recording.

  • Uwe Lindner

    @Okular: I checked with a sesion (instead of a catalog) and you are right. That explains why I noticed this ror so late. I worked with sessions for a while and then went back to a catalogue. And just about that time, a new version came out.

    It surprises me that the program code for handling catalogs and sessions seems to be different in such essential parts of the program.

    I informed C1 support that you received the same dropzone link as me. I sent everything they requested but it is perhaps a good idea to share additional data.

  • Okular

    Short update on this: I get at least fast responses compared to the long waiting time of others reported here. But they claim not being able to reproduce the bug and so I've uploaded them a catalog db on request. 

  • Propheticus

    The issue was already reported in V21 (see related topic). 
    The OP there, Boris, also already noted that the issue seems to be catalogue specific and does not occur in sessions.

    Sometimes I wonder if they even test (fixes) while using a catalogue, or if they are on a session paradigm only. 
    Should we all just ditch our catalogues and move to sessions?  

  • Okular

    At least a few days ago, I received another response from support: 
    "You know, this issue became a bit tricky, so our developers are still working on it. 
    Could you confirm if it's still reproducible in 15.4, please?"
    I've provided again a screen recording showing the bug still exists in v15.4.

    It's already the beginning of October and usually the new annual main version comes out around end November / early December. I therefore doubt that there will be a patch still for v22 to fix this problem.

    I'm afraid the same applies to all the other items on your bug list.

    In this context, it always makes one think about the differences between the MAC and Windows versions (here also Session + Catalogue). I am not a software developer but I would actually expect that there is a common source code basis that is then compiled for MAC and Windows. Obviously, this is not the case and C1 makes its work even more difficult.
    And will the bugs be fixed in v23? Even if they are, it would cost us the upgrade again, although one would otherwise skip it (as long as the bugs do not severly affect the workflow). My dissatisfaction with C1 is growing. See also: +


  • Uwe Lindner

    @Okular, Propheticus

    An additional bug in C1 which "resides" in the Windows version since a quite long time, reported by me also 2 months ago has not been fixed as well (15.4.0). Just to make your list more comprehensive:


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