Capture One are straggle, looking support for Z9 compressed RAW, de-squeeze option, serious upgrade Styles and Preset tools, get a constructive answers to our posts
I'm loyal Capture One user, love colors, overall editing process for RAW images but I must count few things that CO must support in near future, if not I will be forced to look for other solutions:
1. Really I don't understand that CO not able to support Nikon Z9 compressed RAW formats ? how is it possible that you don't care for a large number of Z9 users ???
2. de-squeeze option! Guys, do you realize that 90% of photographers are video makers and the other 10% will start to shoot in the near future! So all of us that want to build a unique style are buying anamorphic lenses and you don't offer support for us? Realy?
3. Styles and Presets support are getting worse and worse, last version is unusable, slow loading LUT-s and tab is too small, also consider adding an opacity slider in this Styles and Preset, like in video editing softwares.
4. Generaly answers from support are generic, so I'm wondering if my investment in CO is really appreciated by you? Better to wait for months to get a constructive answer than getting one generic ASAP!
Please consider that we are partners in our collaboration, one side interest is not an option for me in the first place I left Adobe for that reason and now I use Davinci Resolve, Capture One, Affinity ...
Please, our community expects that your support staff understand what we are talking about, It will help that we know if this person uses professional gear and did they try to see the problem like we experience, after this step they are competent to answer! So let's first be professional partners ...
> Matija Marcius: ...loyal Capture One user
Surprise :-) Unlike many companies in the business, Capture One does not have a support forum. You are talking to fellow users here.
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1. Really I don't understand that CO not able to support Nikon Z9 compressed RAW formats ? how is it possible that you don't care for a large number of Z9 users ???
Stop taking business so personally. Your inflated sense of entitlement only matters to you.
And if you'd searched the forum first, you would have found several posts explaining the Z 9 situation.
For example:
We need yet another post whining about it, like a hole in the head.
2. de-squeeze option! Guys, do you realize that 90% of photographers are video makers and the other 10% will start to shoot in the near future! So all of us that want to build a unique style are buying anamorphic lenses and you don't offer support for us? Realy?
90%? 10%?
Yeah, you made those "facts" up, didn't you? You have no idea how other photographers use their cameras.
In any event: if you want anamorphic lens support, raise a Feature Request - the clue is in the name:
And - crazy idea, I know - another forum search, maybe?✓
Please, our community expects that your support staff understand what we are talking about
I didn't get the memo telling me you'd been elected to be the voice of "our community"...
You're speaking for yourself here - nobody else.
You really need to dial the self-importance back.
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To all on this thread.
It appears C1 is now gathering requests on a new board. I started a thread there for Anamorphic De-Squeeze....if you wish, please go here to vote that up:
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