Capture One 22 on the MacBook Air M1 is really disappointing.
Although I am aware that it is not the ideal laptop for photography, even viewing a session with built-in thumbnails or opening the preferences takes two minutes.
I only want to go over pictures and set up a session; I'm not doing any kind of image processing.
Is there a problem with Capture One, or am I asking too much of my MacBook Air?
Based on how slow it had started to get on my 2012 MacBook Pro I’d say it’s capture one software. At first it ran absolutely great but then it seemed with each update it got worse and worse. I have an open ticket about speed and performance with a particular issue within the program and am waiting to hear back.
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Capture One definitely has performance issues. You should think it would work reasonably well on a MacBook Pro M1 Max (64 GB), but it constantly becomes unresponsive. Sometimes just switching to Capture One from another application causes it to become unresponsive for something like 30 seconds.
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A Mac Studio with "only" 32GB of RAM supports Capture One very well, with no lags, delays etc. regardless of tasks. It could be that for many folks with issues, the problems may have to do with the Apple OS, interference by other applications, including anti virus apps, image processing apps, and even leftover files and preferences from older applications. Try a safe boot of the OS, or open the Apple Activity monitor application in Utilities and see if one of the favorite applications including CO-1 is using alot of memory or CPU resources. For example, in Montery there are reports of a memory leak when the Finder is used for searches. Nothing directly to do with CO1, but it does deplete ram fast if you have been using it to search.
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I’ve had Activity Monitor running regularly and no other application is using any significant amount of CPU, and I have no performance issues with any other application or with the OS itself. The problem is solely with Capture One. There are several other threads about similar issues, so these are not isolated cases. I suspect for my part the problem is Capture One’s handling of larger catalogues. I’ve sent support countless screen recordings, Activity Monitor samples, etc., and they’ve never mentioned the possibility of the problem being caused by anything outside of Capture One, so I very much doubt that explanation.
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I have a MacBook Pro M1 Pro 32 GB 14", and Capture One starts and opens my catalogue (25,000 pictures) within a few seconds (10 or 15). No lag, no performance issue. And sometimes I have Phocus, Photoshop and Capture One simultaneously, and no problem.
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Opening a catalogue is no problem here either (ca. 54,000 images/10.5 seconds), neither is having other applications open at the same time as Capture One.
As an example of the sort of problems I'm seeing constantly, here's a screen recording (link) that shows Capture One becoming unresponsive after a keyword is applied to one image – it recovers briefly after about 40 seconds and then becomes unresponsive again for another 30 seconds.
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Yes, applying a keyword to a picture is not that fast, I agree. We could expect better. Never became unresponsive, however.
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Did you install the app properly to /applications? Or are you running it directly from the mounted disk image? If the latter, that's probably why you see the performance issue...
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Why would you run an application from a disk image?
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@Beckham, the MBA M1 should have no issue even editing in C1. I've had it on a first-generation Mac mini M1 with essentially the same specs as an MBA M1 and it ran great without complaints. Meanwhile, I've upgraded to a Mac Studio but there's frankly not a huge performance gain in C1. You might have some other underlying issues, have you already contacted support about it?
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@Thomas, the experience you have there in your video is certainly not common and would drive me nuts too! Although, the declining performance over time could be catalog related as that's what is constantly growing. While your catalog size is not excessive (I have seen others reporting well north of 100k), C1's catalog performance is not like LR's where the size does not matter much. C1 was originally built with sessions in mind, the catalog was more of an afterthought and not intended for huge catalogs.
To rule out that your issues are catalog related, create a small test catalog and see if you still have the same issue. If it gets better, you could import your old catalog into a new catalog. That can sometimes fix issues that were beyond the reach of the catalog repair tool. - I personally prefer using sessions. Ever since I switched from a catalog to sessions, I had no more library issues. But sessions are not for everyone.
As Robert mentioned, the keyword tool is slow as hell and I have gotten C1 to crash a couple of times by moving some keywords around. Since then, I have completely avoided using the tool and I now apply my keywords externally in GraphicConverter. That creates XMP files that can be synced back into C1, so the keywords will also show up there.
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