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LR Catalog After Import



  • OddS.

    > Chris Boeke: So what do others do in this scenario?

    I honestly do not know, I ditched LR years ago and I do not use catalogs in Capture One. Even worse, I use the now aged C1 v20.

    The sad general fact is that adjustments can not be transferred from one raw image application to the next. Even if you could transfer the numbers, the images would look different because the raw engine and post processing algorithms are different. There is probably an exception for Adobe tools, I believe the raw engine used in Lightroom is the same as the raw engine used in Camera Raw. (Photoshop does not do raw images on its own).

    Metadata, such as star ratings, color tags and iptc-data can often be transferred between applications as they are standardized by bodies outside the realm of makers of image processing applications (thoug they do contribute to the standards).

    If I had your problem, I would likely process all important images to tiff in LR and bring the tiff files over to C1 to make sure I did not lose my LR  edits. The tiff files would be LR final products. They can be printed as is, and they can serve as a reference for practicing and redoing some of them in C1. You need to know that C1 is not a drop in replacement for LR, it is Different with a capital D. You will need to practice a lot, read documentation and watch tutorials. If you are five times smarter than the rest of us, prepare to spend  a year or so. C1 is not a quick and dirty solution to image processing.

  • OddS.

    > Martin Tolley: can't see a difference between those options in terms of file size...

    If I were you, I would check if if that embed original function really works as intended.

  • Chris Boeke

    So a follow question might be, if not using a catalog for library management, how are you doing that without C1?  My assumption is using your native OS browser.  Maybe something else entirely?

    While I can, and have, exported all my masters for the important edits I've made over the years, having a library management software to see and view those, export out a variant, group into albums for possible projects and publications, etc. is quite convenient.  Sessions for how I understand offers all that, but only specific for that session or project, but not as a master catalog of all images.

  • OddS.

    Chris Boeke: if not using a catalog for library management

    I did not say I do do not use catalogs, just that I do not use catalogs in Capture One. Big difference.

  • IanS

    > Chris Boeke:

    Some thoughts:

    How often do you go back to these old files to re-edit/print?

    If I re-edit a photo I will normally finish up with a slightly different interpretation because I hopefully get better at editing :-) Plus with C1 you get different tools which will impact how you edit.

    If you have "hero" images then these will likely already exist as Tiff print masters?

    Bottom line, I moved from LR and due to the above realised I was not bothered by the "incomplete" edits. YMMV.

  • Chris Boeke


    I've accepted and understood how the transition needs to occur, and yes there are masters, etc.  The question is what do others do with their LR Catalog after import.  Are you managing both in case you do need to go back at some point?  Do you just scrap your old LR catalog to never return to it ever again?  With the benefits of nondestructive editing, it's still hard to consider you leave behind your history entirely and completely.

  • IanS

    > Chris Boeke:

    I think you may have a case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). :-)

    I originally imported my LR catalogue into C1, for reasons I have already stated, I was not concerned about existing edits on thousands of "old" photos, what was important was that the keywords and star ratings came over, which they did. I kept the LR catalogue for a couple of years and then realised I never looked at it. I don't even bother to install LR now.

  • Chris Boeke

    So, far I'm using option #2.

    And since you're paying for the Abobe suite anyway, you keep the full functioning Lr version, just not using it unless you have to?

    What have you done to manage existing collections, etc. of those edits.  For instance, keeping together my portfolio images, etc that I can recall back to.  

    I think you may have a case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). :-)

    Yup, I think you're right.  That idea of have a complete system that you just kind of abandon because it doesn't work with the new system.  It's "there" if you need it, but not integrated as you move forward.

    I use stars as a workflow, and use smart collections for everything.  So even losing that is hard, even if I can "re-edit" something.  


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