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Prevent accidental renaming of files



  • Kassur

    The esc key is your friend!

    Just hit it after C1 loaded the workspace and then each time you entered something in a input text/number box



  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    The thing is, when this happens I usually don't notice until much later, so the only way to avoid it, as far as I can see, would be to somehow prevent file names from being changed from within Capture One.

  • Kassur

    Well, then maybe deactivate the shortcut?

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I haven't set a shortcut for renaming.

    I'm not completely sure, but I think what happens is when attempting to select a photo I sometimes accidentally click next to a file name in the browser, which means the file name is selected rather than the photo, and when I then type a shortcut the photo is renamed.

  • Kassur

    Okay, than you have to dive into MacOS secrets - lock the Files (better the whole Folder)!

    Take some inspiration fron this page 

    Note: You have to remember this then you try to delete Files



  • Kassur

    Strange, my previous answer is still unter “Pending approval”

    You can lock your files/folders with finder. 

    1. Control-click the items you want to lock.
    2. Choose Get Info.
    3. Tick the Locked box.


  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I've seen that too. 

    Thanks. While that is a possible solution, it would mean doing so for each individual image file, which would take an enormous amount of time. There is of course the option to lock the contents of a whole folder, but that would prevent changes to sidecar files. So right away, I would think that it would be necessary to prevent changes from inside Capture One. 

    I've written support to ask if it's possible. If they say it isn't, I'll make a feature request.

  • OddS.

    > Thomas Kyhn: ...but that would prevent changes to sidecar files

    Yes it would, and also complicate adding more image files to the folder.

    One workaround could be to move image files out of direct reach from C1 and refer to them using symbolic links. Each link would be a file containing the path to the target image file. If you accidentally change the name of a symbolic link file, it would still contain the path to the image file and make it possible to revert the name of the symbolic link file. Make symlink files read only if you think C1 will fiddle with the content (it shouldn't). A true hassle, I know, but some scripting on top could round off the edges a little bit.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    One workaround could be to move image files out of direct reach from C1 and refer to them using symbolic links.

    Thanks for the suggestion. This is not a bad idea at all. I'll see what support says first, and then see if there's an easy way to set this up.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I've found a solution now.

    Using the Terminal, you can lock all files with specific file extensions within a directory (including subdirectories).


    1. In the Terminal, set the directory to the folder containing the files to be locked:

    cd [file path]

    2. Run the following command (example for .CR2 and .CR3 files – not case sensitive):

    setopt nocaseglob

    for f in **/*.(CR2|CR3)(.N);
        chflags uchg "${f}"

    (Takes a little while to complete.)

    To unlock the same files, I assume you replace "uchg" with "nouchg".

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    From version onwards, possibly earlier, Capture One ignores that files have been locked, so this workaround no longer works.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    How is that even possible without permissions?

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    How is that even possible without permissions?

    I think it's an unintended change. I wrote a bit more about it here:


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