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Capture one 2 questions



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    1) If you have images in the "originals" folder, then they have been copied in to the catalog. There is no need to go looking in the Originals folder - that is best left alone as a non-user facing part of the system. Any images that are stored there can be seen in the Capture One catalog in the In Catalog section of the Library tool. In the example shown below I have 9 images stored that way, and 125 images stored on my internal drive in various folders. 

    Normally images end up "In Catalog" because of the choices made when they are imported. There is a drop-down list of choices when you import images. See the next screen shot.

    The one I have highlighted (Add to Catalog) leaves images where they are on your system but indexes them in your catalog database; this means you only have one copy of the image file. The next one (Copy into Catalog) puts a copy of the image in the "In Catalog" section (and the actual image file is copied to the Originals folder); this means you have an extra copy of the image file - the one on your system folders, and the one in the Catalog. So it is important to avoid Copy Into Catalog, if you don't want to end up with two copies.

    2) If you have moved or renamed a folder outside of Capture One, there is no need to Locate each image in it one by one. You can Locate the whole Folder. Select the folder in question in the Folders section of the Library, then choose Locate Folder... from the File menu. 

  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    Thank-you for your replay!

    I have another question.

    As I said for mistake some of my originals are in the catalog (due to the mistake I made by choosing COPY INTO CATALOG" instead "ADD TO CATALOG" as I normally do.

    As the catalog has become very heavy I want to delete the originals into the catalog and I want to reconnect the picture in the album with the originals in my HD. The problem is that if I go in C1 and look in the folders section I can't find the original folder even if I can easily find the folder in my HD! This because for C1 the originals are into the catalog. Is there a way to solve this problem?

    thank-you again for your very articulated answer.



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Yes, there is a way. More than one way in fact. Here are two of them.

    (1) Delete the copies on your HD using Finder. Then in the Library tool in Capture One, drag the images out of the In Catalog section to the HD folder you want them to move to. Capture One will keep track of where they are and retain any edits you have made to them.

    (2) If you are nervous about deleting the images from the HD as in method (1), you could (a) drag them from the In catalog Section to a different folder in the HD (as a transit location) and then (b) check that they are there and OK, then (c) delete the other copies from the HD, and then (d)  move the ones from the transit location to the folder you really want them to be in (again using Capture One, so that it knows where they are).


  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    Sorry but this time I did not understand!

    My problem is that the RAW files are stored in two locations.

    1) in the catalog (I can see them by opening the catalog right click on the catalog file (out of C1) and choosing "show content" then in the sub folder original I can find the raw file)

    2) the original RAW are also regularly stored in my HD in to my archive where all my picture of the current year are.

    I never import my picture in C1 directly from my CF cards

    So what I would like to do is: delete the originals from the catalog (in the finder) and reconnect the files in C1 with my originals stored on my HD.


    And i also have another question.

    I have a catalog of my work of 2018. After many years my originals of that year are stored on a NAS. If I open the catalog 2018 obviously all my albums are of line and if I look in the file section in C1 I can't see my NAS so I can't find the originals to locate. How can I solve this problem?


    thank-you again!

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I understand that the raw files are stored in two locations.

    An important question is whether you have edited them at all with Capture One at this point.

    • If you have already edited them, you want to use either my method (1) or my method (2) above - that way you get rid of the non-edited version on the HD, and then move the edited version from the catalog to the HD.
    • If you have not already edited them you can simply delete them from the In Catalog section of the Library and then import them to the catalog again, this time making sure to use the Add to Catalog option (not the Copy to Catalog option)

    Don't forget it is not that the albums that are off-line, because they are only virtual collections. It is the actual folders that physically contain the images that are off-line, or at least Capture One thinks they are. If you work in the Folders section of the Library tool, you can select a folder that is shown as off-line, and then when you choose Locate Folder... from the File menu as described in my earlier reply, you should be able to navigate to locations including the NAS that are not currently part of the catalog.


  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    the strange thing is that if I open the 2018 catalog in the folder section of C1 the folder does not appear even of line...



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    ... so what do you mean by saying that the albums are offline? Can you provide a screen shot to demonstrate how it shows that?


  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    I mean that in the album section in C1 I can still see all my albums of the all 2018.

    Now, in the folders section in C1 I can see also the NAS (I don't know how) but only a few folders of 2018  (only 5) but in the NAS there are much more folders (133).

    How can I all the others?

  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    I forgot to answer to one of your questions! "An important question is whether you have edited them at all with Capture One at this point."

    The pictures are already edited in C1



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    See my copy of your screenshot with added questions and comments. Note that I was initially confused because I think that what you meant when you said albums was actually folders.

    I assume that if you only see 5 subfolders of the NAS here you can add more using the + in the Folders section of the Library tool.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Since the pictures are already edited in Capture One, you definitely want to keep the ones that have been edited and discard the copies that haven't.


  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    I know that those are not albums but folders! I did not snd you the screenshot of the album section but I send it now so you can see.

    If I click + in the library tool I can add more folder from my NAS but the problem is they result empty even if on my NAS the folder is fool of raw files!

    If I click on 001 PARASHOOT everything works fine but that is an external HD not the NAS

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    So if you

    • select one of those albums (that doesn't appear in the Folders section), 
    • then choose an image in it  
    • then right-click on the image and choose Show in Library, 

    what happens?


  • Lorenzo Ceva Valla

    the strange thing is that as you can see in the screen shot I sent you of the album section most of the albums seams to be empty so its not possible to select any thumbnail as there aren't any!

    The only albums which contain image are or the few you can see in the NAS (first screenshot i sent you) or the ones on the other external HD.

    I can't understand what's happened to all the others album which where fool of picture when I worked with them in 2018!


    I really appreciate your effort in helping me!


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't know what has happened to the images in the albums. But remember that albums are only virtual collections. You can remove images from albums, and even remove the albums, and the image files are not affected, and the edits you have made are not affected. (That is why, for instance, you can do things like have an image in more than one album. So I might have a photo of a family member and their dog. I could add that image to both a Family album and an Animals album, but there is only one image, and one set of edits I have made to it, just two different ways of looking at it.


    If you look in the actual folders, you should find your images are still there and that their edits are still there too.


  • RC Photo

    Do you have activated a global filter? That would explain that you can't see the images...



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