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A sereis of disapoitmnets



  • Uwe Lindner

    @Bruno - I absolutely agree! Thanks for your dedication on this. I have two bug requests open for more than two months and I see no progress. It is more than frustrating. C1 loses its status as a professional software.

  • Daniel ORTS


  • EtMRS

    +1 as Mac user

    Bruno, copy/move this post to Feature Requests because it's not Windoze specific.

  • Werner Happach

    I completly support this statement of Bruno!

    Werner Happach

  • Bruno Calado

    My latest reported issue did affect many other users too. A Capture One server issue affected several subscribers from starting the software. My report was quickly answered and I was informed that a known issue on Capture One servers was the cause and that tech team was working on in. The problem got solved few hours later... but I did lost at least an hour in my workflow schedule.

    I do recognize that developers team generally listen to us users, and quickly try to address severe issues in upcoming updates, but what I do not understand and can not accept is the fact that most of the latest year releases, seemed not to be fully tested prior to its commercial releases. We all should keep in mind that subscriptions are paying the development, which is great, but subscribers are not real world beta testers.

    I do understand that having an up-to-date polished UI is very important (I remember my previous years as a broadcast video editor, when AVID and EDIT from Discreet did not invested on that when FinalCut started to make its own way in the market, and end up on the shelve), but a UI revision should not negatively impact so much the tool usage.

    In the end, we all need to have Capture One stability back, so this can still work for both of us photographers and Capture One company.

    Please keep listening to us and get on the stability track again.
    We'll be very pleased with that.

    Thank You,
    Bruno C.

  • EtMRS


    Create a new post in Feature Request, name it something like 'Back to stability and professional level'. And then copy/past your first post. Later, add a copy of your last post. And inform people here to go to the new post.

    I know that's a bit of work but your request is very interesting because it clearly expresses what many professional users think.

  • Bruno Calado

    When I first start this post, I wanted to share my Capture One experience in the last few years with other serious users, because I Do like the software and because I DO still believe in it.
    We tend to care for what we love. And caring is not only valuing the good things, but question about things that can be better, and that's the purpose of this reflection.
    In this way Keith R, I believe that sharing this words and these thoughts with others than Windows users, could be a good way to build a more solid and representative discussion about the tool that we all care about.
    This is a reflection about Capture One, intended to contribute for a better piece of software, that in the end will let us all, users, photographers and developers more connected and more in line for the needs.
    That said, I will keep up my attention in this same post, named "Back to stability and professional level" under Feature Request section, and suggest to all interested to do the same, since it can produce a wider discussion about this theme.
    Thank you.
    Bruno C.

  • Bruno Calado

    EtMRS I'm not sure how to move this to a diferent category, but it would be nice to share it with other systems users too.


  • Class A

    Bruno created (as suggested) a respective feature request

    I have upvoted it. 

  • James Quinn

    It has only gotten far worse in the past year, it's true.

    The Sony specific versions ran so much faster than this new PRO version

    Now loading images is slower, adjustments are slower, copying / pasting adjustments is far slower. tons of UI issues that are apparent within minutes of normal use

    now every new release just adds annoying bugs. i keep losing entire galleries when it says "0", and the images are instead only in the recent imports.


  • FirstName LastName

    Uwe - agreed, I"m waiting for 10+ months for a bug fix that was introduced in v15.  From a business perspective, I can totally understand C1's perspective.  Spend resources and best programmers on revenue generating products like the ipad, etc and put 2nd team on bug fixes betting that existing users won't leave.  I'm pretty sure they don't count customers threatening to leave as the same thing as actually leaving!  Better yet hold off on releasing bug fixes until the new version is released so customers will have to pay up for the bug fix.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    Bruno, copy/move this post to Feature Requests because it's not Windoze specific.

    These are not feature requests - they're misplaced fault reporting, and belong here:

    not on the forum.


  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

     it clearly expresses what many professional users think.

    You have no idea if that's true.


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